My duromine Journey

  • Author Kazeroo
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Good morning duromine users,
I'm new to blogging and have never used prescription medication for weightless before so I was delighted to see other people's posts on taking duromine and it's great to see positive outcomes. I started taking the prescription after explaining to my Dr how disheartened I'd become I weigh 25kg more than I should, I am rather fit and exercise at least 3x wkly, I don't eat "junk food" but do eat to much which is still bad. I've attempted every diet, low carb/high protein, protein shakes, food companies diets etc. All to no avail... So Dr's under Dr. Suggestion started with duromine 30. For the first few days I had that "full", feeling a touch of a headache which was easy to get rid of by drinking heaps of water
and as advised to eat small meals but DO NOT SKIP any as this was a time to retrain my portion sizes and choices. All good, lost 2.5kgs in my first week, I was over the moon. Problem is I have just fin week 2 and the duromines not working any more, am starving and although I'm being very careful I've regained 1.5kg not eating big portions, still exercising, still drinking 3ltrs a day I'm lost.... Any suggestions :confused:


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