My duromine weight loss journey to a better me!

  • Author Donna
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi there,
I am new to all of this and was looking for some support on my journey to be a new healthy me!

A bit of background info:
I am 23 years old and i suffer horribly with poly cystic ovarian syndrome.
I'm 175cm tall and have always been fit and a healthy size, never a skinny woman though.
I weighed around 74kgs when I was 19 and unfortunately had a car accident that completely limited my movement for over 3 months. The weight piled on and then I was diagnosed with pcos. It's incredibly hard to lose weight and I've now topped my heaviest at 93kgs.
I had my first child in 2014 and now I am more than ready to get back in shape so I can hopefully have my second baby next year.

I have just started my first month of 30mg's and I thought I would share my progress as I go!

Current weight: 93kg
Goal weight: 75

Day 1: 93kgs
No hectic side effects, feeling okay. I am sticking to a 1200 calorie diet and will excersise as much as my crazy 1 year old will let me.

Day 2: couldn't help myself I had to take a peak at the scales and was surprised it was 91.4kg.

Day 3: did it again! Down to 90.2kgs.
It's nice to see the scales moving and I hope it continues.

I will update weekly from now, my first week will be done in 3 days so I'm excited to see how I am going.

I would love to offer support to other people who are in the same boat as me! Hopefully together we can all get to our goals and keep it off


Hey Donna

Congratulations on the great weight loss thus far....2 kg's within the first day is so amazing.....
Thanks so much!
I'm really motivated to lose weight so I'm hoping I can stick to it.
I've banned myself from the scales until Wednesday so hopefully I'm not disappointed with what it says.
Tomorrow is weigh in day!
Feeling pretty nervous.
I'm really hoping I have lost a decent amount, any lost weight is better than a weight gain right?

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2 min read
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