My First Day on Duromine ... A guy's perspective :)

  • Author sanjay1
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So I have read so many items from a feminine perspective, I thought I would add mine.

I'm Sanjay from sunny South Africa. Having started off with Duromine (30mg) on Tuesday 1 April 2014, I must admit that I am a bit anxious at what the next few weeks hold. Am taking the necessary cautions about drinking copious amounts of water. So far no apparent side effects that some people report - thank goodness! I know that it has kicked it because by this time (12h30pm) I will be super hungry.

I had a small breakfast and a steak lunch today. I've read that eating small meals is crucial to success. As always, I wish to maintain a positive attitude and am going to make this Duromine my b1tch.

My goal is to achieve a weight of 87kg. Why 87kg? Well, truth be told, I look kind of weird if I am too thin :)

I am using this forum to record my feeling and thoughts for future reference and inspiration.

Edit: It's almost the end of a working day and every thing went normally. The one think I definitely noticed is my ability to gulp down water has increased drastically. I must have finished about 10 glasses today :)

I am also using an Android app called fatsecret to record exactly what I eat. So that I do not put my body in starvation mode. The app also helps me keep record of my measurements.

Perhaps I should add that I am using some vitamins and ginkgo bilola in my regime.
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