My Journey - Day 1 - 25/3/14

  • Author Dani7
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Today i took my first Duromine Tablet 30mg. I woke up nice and early and had breakfast ( thought it would be best to have something to eat with the tablet ) I also chose a decaf coffee instead of full caffeine ( this is not normal for me but thought i may not need the extra stimulant of caffeine with this medication ? I took the tablet at approx 6.30am. I got my 3 girls off to school and then walked my son to school. I felt quite dizzy and my temperature was sort of out, cold yet sweaty, a bit flush like. It is quite a cool day today. Besides that i feel good. I am however starting to feel hungry ! didnt expect to ? I am now reading about others journeys and i am quite excited for results. Might update at the end of the day :) :)


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