My journey Day 1

  • Author Yellow
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Today is the day, this is it. My first step down the long road ahead of me, but i've started and thats the main thing.

I took my Dpill at about 7;30am this morning. A slight panic attack as a momentary thought came to me after taking it as I realized that if this hits me stronger then I'm prepared for I have no one who can come over and watch my son.

8am rolls past and I'm over thinking everything my body is going through so I distract myself with house work.

Its now 11am, I have been hungry, had 1 piece of Vegemite as per my usual 2 pieces and felt very full. I am on my second bottle of water but Im naturally a thirsty person so this could be nothing, and the house is spotless. I have had lots of motivation and energy but not absurdly. now relaxing on the sofa about to have some 'me' time while my son naps.

I'm feeling pretty good. hope im not up all night. no mood swings a slight headache.

yellow x


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