My Journey - Day 1

  • Author Juliek71
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Woke up at 7:30am and thinking it's Saturday go back to sleep....

I started to think about the Duromine tablets that I purchased yesterday and the advice that I had read about taking them early in the morning so you don't stay awake all hours of the night... So up I get at 8am and take my first tablet and went back to bed with my iPad. Once again I google search Duromine and read many articles, blogs and forums... By 9am I was dozing n wanted to go back to sleep but instead I got up and had a small bowl of cereal (Lite n Tasty) and a cup of coffee.

By 11am I was feeling hungry so I opened the fridge and saw a block of chocolate, cake, custard, apples and grapes...nothing really appealed to me so I closed the fridge n decided to go n have a shower to get ready to watch my son play footy. In the bathroom I pulled out the scales and stepped on them...85kg (different number to the ones I weighed myself on yesterday at work 87.5). I have a love/hate relationship with the scales. Everyday I step on the scales before getting in the shower...n not just once but about 2 or 3 times just to make sure the number is right lol.

11:30am - I get my youngest daughter Cara (bub) to take a front on and side on photo of me... scary stuff...
I really don't feel comfortable in sharing my first day photos but this is something I need to do as this is how everyone sees me. I am a very self conscious person and worry about what other people think about me...

Went to the footy and thought about getting the usual food (dagwood dog with sauce, red frogs n a coffee). I'm not feeling hungry but being at the footy means buying footy food, however I resisted :) one challenge over.

2:25pm - I'm not feeling hungry but thinking I should eat something, but what I don't know yet...
3:49pm - I'm hungry now so I made a toasted cheese sandwich...

So now it's 4:41pm and still feeling hungry, I was hoping the tablets would take away the sense of feeling hungry... but it's only day 1 so maybe it takes a few days.

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