my journey on duromine-day 1 - 30mg

  • Author mummajessjess
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
so first offa bit about myself-
31 year old mum of 3...currently 108 kgs prescribed duromine 30mg for one month (so far)
I guess my weight problems really started after my first baby but I had always had issues with food before that,but due to being quite active wasn't very overweight,being 175 cms tall 80kgs was my usual weight-what I mean by that is I could basically eat what I wanted and stay that weight-
after my first baby 8 yrs ago I have slowly and steadily put on weight,a year ago I lost and then gained back 20kgs....

like may here I decided I didn't want to spend my 30's like I spent my 20's-overweight!
I love clothes and fasion but I live in tracksuit pants and over sized shirts,its just to depressing knowing what I really want to wear doesn't fit me and doesn't look good

so day 1-

I have read all the stories and got as much info as I could on duromine, what I gather is the people suffereig moods are most likely the same ones not sleeping and not eating, if you don't sleep or eat (properly and healthily) I think the side effects will be worse soooo

5:30am took my first tablet went straight back to sleep and woke up around 7am-gotta say I wasn't jumping out of bed infact I could have stayed there no problems...
I didn't have any side effects to speak of,felt quite normal during the day-I had a couple of tummy growles but just had some porridge-sandwhich-dinner...I was away from home and out and about so my eating plan wasn't very well organized- around 5pm is when I noticed a sorta spacey feeling and started to feel tired-

I don't feel at the moment I will have any problems sleeping as im ready to go to bed now and its 6pm!!
my worst time for binging is late night once all the kids are in bed- atm im not even thinking about food which is reassuring

im going to weigh myself weekly and keep my blog going because I know how helpful I have found others
coming up day 2 tomorrow:)
feeling excited and curious to see how this all plays out
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