My journey on duromine- Day 1

  • Author Food Junkie be gone
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Today is my first day on duromine 30mg (11th Nov 2014)
Starting weight-102.9kg
height- 162cm

Took the tablet around noon and have been feeling great so far. My appetite has completely diminished. Normally where I would have had 4 pieces of pizza for dinner I had just the one. It's almost midnight. I am still up but don't feel tired. Let hope I will get some sleep tonight.

plan to start with a healthier diet tomorrow. Really want to lose weight as I am due to have major spinal surgery in a month. Last ditch effort to lose some weight. Wish me luck!


Good luck!
You should be fine and you will lose some weight if you limit your food consumption. Not all the food, but high-calorie junk food. You can still eat veggies and white meat, just avoid fried and spicy, fatty food.
Post us how you go, please!
First of all. Good luck with your surgery.
Losing even a little weight will definitely help with your recovery. In my diet and nutrition class we were told that every 5-10 kilos of weight loss has a huge effect on our health. Lowering blood pressure, reducing risks of many diseases etc.
One month is a great place to begin. It is a nice short time to kick start things.
How long is your recovery?
Being laid up can be a real hurdle with weight loss. Hospitals feed you all day and you want comfort food when you are unwell. Do you have a plan for this time?
Let us know how you go and if you have any questions there is always someone here with advice or experience to help.
Food Junkie be gone
Hi ladies,
Thanks for your responses. This is my first time posting about my experiences So I am delighted by your responses and interest.

I will be having spinal surgery which has a 6 week recovery time. Not quite sure what I will do in that time in regards to food. Hopefully the fact that I won't be able to drive will deter me from going through a drive thru which is one of my biggest problems. That's why I made the decision yesterday to go to the dr and get the duromine so that I could lose at least a little bit of weight before the surgery. As every little bit helps.

I love junk food but since yesterday my need to eat has disappeared which is great. I weighed in this morning with no change on the scale (still 102.9 kg)but I do feel better in general and feel less bloated. I am super optimistic that with time the weight will come off.

I have had a chocolate replacement meal shake for breakfast. Let's see how the rest of the day goes!

Blog entry information

Food Junkie be gone
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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