My journey on duromine

  • Author Fatty33
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hello ,
Iam 33 years old
Mother of 3
And married to the love of my life
Starting weight 119.4 kg
Goal weight 85 kg

Well my first day I started taking duromine at 9.30am as I had to get the prescription filled. So soon as it was in my hand i Brought a bottle of water and took my first pill.
And went and did my shopping. Well I waited and waited for all the scary side effects to happen. But didn't get any .
By lunch time I was a bit spaced out but other than that it was like any other day. I have started drinking water and can drink over 2 litres a day.
My doctor wants me to do optifast shakes with fruit during the day so I done that and never felt really hungry till about 430pm Then about 630pm we had dinner. I feel calm and good still no serious side-effects. As I sit here reading other people stories and I'm thinking are my tablets actually working??

I was tired during the day so I was able to have a sleep. it's 11pm about to head to bed see how I go sleeping tonight .
I will write back tomorrow tellyou know I went.
Thanks you every one who takes the time to read my blog. Any tips help or just a chat comment below xxxx
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Day two
I got about three hours sleep last nigh woke up this morning It was a weird feeling I actually felt quite amazing after only having three hours sleep I was not tired or grumpy like I'm usually am in the morning it was a breeze to get the kids ready for school.
But then on the other hand I worry that these tablets are not working because I have had no other side-effects apart from a dry mouth and not much sleep.
I'm still hungry but sometimes I think is it just because it's that time of day that I'm used to eating or Am I really hungry.
I have stopped the Coke zero and only on water no headaches yet.
I can't wait to next week to see how much I've lost I'll be wrapped if I've lost 2 kgs.
I'd like to talk to my doctor about if I'm eating too much or not enough. They're just all these things that you Think about in your head because you can't see what'sgoing on inside you to know if you're losing it or if you're doing right or wrong.
But I'm looking forward to the rest of my journey.
Started walking today 30 minutes my aim is to do that every second day for now :)
Thanks xxx
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Day 3
Slept all night got about 6 hours sleep
Woke up had a great morning feeling great
to about 10.30am I started getting cold like a breeze goes over my whole body last less than a minute. started sweating a bit more today.
Bit tired from my walk yesterday. But other than that I was fine.
Not sure if I am eating to much or not enough.
Still having my 2 shakes one at breakfast and the other at lunch . I thinking I might need to be put up the 40's as I still hungry .
Spoke to a friend today she said to add snacks like nuts and fruit. So I went and brought nut and fruit mix and put 50g in to snak bag . Sat down and had one around 3.30pm well by 4.30pm I was bloated Very sore tummy :( . Had some tea at 6.30pm and by 7 feeling better. So might just keep doing what I was doing and talk to my doctor on Tuesday.

I haven't had a poo in about 2 days is this normal ?
Any ideas how to get it moving again ?
Day 4
Well today has been the best day by far.
I think the tablets are now kicking in.
I was not hungry at all today. But still had my 3 meals and 2 snack but not starving in between meals.
Started walking 30 mins every 2nd day and today seem to be easy than the last so Monday going to push my self a little more.
Looking forward to my first weigh in on Tuesday. Not sure if I have lost anything . But feeling so much better in my self i have more contraction, I am awake more than before I would sleep in to about 10am and than have a sleep during the day. But now I last all day to around 10.30pm I start get tired start heading to bed and sleeping pretty good I wake up during the night sometimes and stay up for 1 / 2 hours than go back to bed but up with the sun around 6.30 7am and felling like I have had enough sleep.
Day 5
You last night I went to bed at 10:30 because I was really tired fell a sleep by 11 slept till about 4 o'clock then woke up but I was still asleep but having dreams off an on and then finally fell asleep and woke up at again at 8am when I took my first tablet for the day.
Today I woke up tired and a bit lethargic not quite sure is that due to my walk that I did last night. But all today I was really tired and drained and a bit on edge today I hope that doesn't last. Having my three meals a day and a few snacks but I'm still feeling hungry here in there but not overly hungry I think it's more mind over matter at the moment. Is 10.10pm now I'm getting tired once again. I didn't go for a walk today I'm going to do it every second day.

And would really love to hear other people stories.
Hi welcome to the forum:) I wrote everyday in my blog when I first started really helps to put your thoughts in writing, also keeps you accountable & motivated ;) ..... I had only dry mouth & 5 -6 hrs sleep. Like you I would wake up somtimes after 4 hrs sleep, however I was not irritated I just lay there peacefully & fall back to sleep, or get up & exercise or clean lol :p Getting into a routine is really important, in the first few weeks I had an occasional day where I felt hungry, however the Duromine gave me the will power to not eat over my 1000 calories. If I felt hungry I would have a cup of tea with a drop of skim milk.. I also would have light hot chocolate with skim milk if I wanted something sweet the Aldi choc pods are only 49 calories. I use my fitness pal app every day it's part of my routine the app counts my calories & exercise for extra calories burned. I luv that you can even scan food bar codes I find it fantastic when I'm shopping to make the right choice in food options. Hope this helps :) just remember this is a journey & will take time, don't be to hard on yourself if you slip up, however make sure you get back on track the next day.... Duromine really does work, it did for me. I used the 15 mgs Duromine .... Have a look at my blog as I am certainly not perfect you may see some similarities or answers to questions you have & I still continue my weight loss journey ... Haven't reached my goal yet...... Wishing you a lighter scale for Tuesday :):)
Thank you so much shellyslim. I through it would be a great thing to write or type my Journey and how I was going to use one of having a bad day or I don't want to continue I can read it through and see how far I've come. I am looking forward to tomorrow
And will report back You know how much of lost.
Day 7
Today was back to the doctors for weigh in I was a bit nervous on what the scales were going to come up with . But after all that I knew I put in 100% into this week. I did not snack I did my three exercises as my aim was this week was to achieve.
So here we go I lost 2.6 kg I was happy but not what I was hoping for a bit more as the things I have read on here. But understand everyone is different.
So my doctor ask how I was going I said okay but I'm still hungry and I don't have much energy I just have a dry mouth I'm able to sleep at night so she has decided to up to 40milligrams from 30
And wants me to be drinking one more litre of water making it 3 L . A day
I walked out a bit overwhelmed I think I just brought duromine 30 7 days ago and now have to buy the 40's today and worried what sort of side-effects am I going to get tomorrow. But I just hope it really craves my cravings. And able to lose a little more weight next week

Sw 119.4kg
TW 116.8
Loss of 2.6 kgs
Goal 85 kgs
Day 9
Fist day on 40
Well it 2.30 pm and all I am feeling is tired :(
So not as bad as I have read on here. Not as hungry as I was on the 30 so that's a plus.
But was looking forward to the abit more energy but noting yet..
Day 10
2 nd day on 40's and doing great apart from dry mouth still and now feeling less hungry so that's great . but no other than that I am fine :)
I am still walking 30 to 40 mins a day and that is making me tired at night so I get a good night sleep.
Looking forward to Tuesday weigh in see if the 40 are making thing go faster
Hoping for around a 3 kg loss.
Will let you know
Please let me know your strong I love reading them xx
So week 4 and I have lost 5.5 kgs I am happy with that I am slowing getting there
At the start I was after the fast loss but now I have change my mind or leant that I didn't gain this wight in a few weeks so it's going to take few weeks and more to get my goal weight and I have the rest of my life to get there . So 1kg to 1.5 kg a week I am very happy with.
And I am happy on the 40's have had no side effects apart from a dry mouth and get a bit snappy at night but that's when I know it's time for bed.

I had to have 2 back teeth removed yesterday so I have had Break from duro going to start again Saturday but the last 3 days I haven't noticed any thing different apart from being in pain :(

Please let me know how you are all going xxx
So 7th week in and I am so close to losing 10kgs so powing on to that
I stop duromine for 2 days as I was running low and didn't have the money to get another pocket but lost 900gms in the 2 days I was not on it . I went back and BAM the duromine hit as you might of read in my early blogs I never got the buzz or not able to sleep only the dry mouth well I now get a little bit of a buzz first thing in the morning , I have to set my alarm to remind me to eat as I am not hungry at all but God I still have the dry mouth. Still drinking 2 to 3 lts a day . So I am happy that I stopped for them 2 days as my doctor said it was working as I was losing the weight but I wasn't seeing it. But now I can fell it and see it. I am happy with the way I am going 10 weeks 10 kgs that's my first aim. So I am avg around 1 kg a week. I happy with that as I am doing it slow and safe and my body is adjusteing to the change so hopefully not lose skin :)
SW 119.4kg
TW 111.9kg
Loss todate 7.5kg
First goal 10kg
Main goal 85kg

How is every one else going
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