My journey

  • Author Yellow
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi, ,
Im a 24yr old F and a stay at home mum to my darling first born son who is 1.

My glory days as a fit 18yr old bikini model have long gone and I am now medically classified as over weight and only 1 point away as obese. I am 5,7 and i weigh 76kgs size 14/16.

I have been battling the weight since i was 20. A miscarriage saw some pretty gloomy days, since then I have had a very hard time losing weight despite healthy eating and regular exercise. I have had all my check ups, including thyroid and diabetes so the next step for me was duromine.

I took my first month of duromine about 6-7 months ago in the generic form of metermine. 30mg. I can't say I had much success with having lost no weight, no symptoms apart from thirsty, irritable moods and a racing heart at times. I wasn't very impressed so I stopped taking it and started crash dieting when ever i could.

Now Im back on duromine, im not going to buy the generic brand as I am not the only one who has been unsuccessful with taking it. A few people I have talked to in my circle of friends has also said they found metermine to be useless. so Duromine it is.

I start tomorrow. 7am. along with a diet plan.

best of luck to every one out there also on this journey.


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