My travel so far.

  • Author Ashleigh
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hey All,

Today is my first time ever taking duromine, I’m a female age 19 with a height of 162cm and weighing 104kg, I put on 30kgs in 3 years from being on the pill which i’ve stopped taking for over 8months but have failed to lose it, I’ve always had the extra weight that I don’t mind, my goal weight is about 70kg, I like being a little chubby but not obese, I have 15mg and 30mg, I have started on the 30mg to kick me off, I took the tablet about 12pm it’s now 5.42pm and I don’t feel anything, except for when I move my head very fast it’s almost like I’m drunk? I’m not sure if I’m just imaging it or something. I smoke as well so I’m not sure if it doesn’t help (yes I know its unhealthy I don’t need/want a lecture about it)

I was just wondering do you think I’ll get side affects, Is there any way of knowing if it’s working or not, I’m not hungry but I also had eggs on toast at 12pm and have snaked on some grapes, But at the same time I can go all day without eating and not feel hungry to even begin with. I have no extra energy, no dry mouth.

On a negative side,

My partner was on 15mg for 1 week, lost 3kg he is 6″ was weighing 122kg currently 119kg, But on the 6th day he took 30mg as he was having no side effects and wanted to see if the 30mg would give him some energy, Still nothing took again 30mg the next day but that day he took 2 15mg obviously equalling 30mg, on the 8th day he was in hospital with massive gastro and was on a drip, the doctors said it may not have been caused by the duromine but they had to give him fluids as he was dehydrated, which was a large possibility being a side effect of duromine, to this day he has not taking them since, but we don’t really know what caused his sickness, I don’t believe it was the duromine as he had been on them for a week but, I could be wrong..

I really want this to work for me and I hope it does..

If you have and suggestions or anything I’d like to read please respond I also love reading the results and the trip others have taken,

fill me in guys and I’ll be back to see if anyone has responded as I can see not many people have commented on here

Now current on day 3.

Toilet is also getting a work out but I'm not in pain nor do I even really feel sick. But I'm not hungry or anything either which is good :)


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    8 days
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