My Truth.

  • Author RaspberryJade
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
This is my truth!
I want to lose weight because i just seem to be getting bigger and bigger now i dont mind being a big girl ive never felt bad about it or shamful ive lived my life ive had greatfriends and shit ones, family is mostly awesome, i never really cared what the scale said i new i was big but still fit enough to do anything i wanted to and i dont feel like the weight has held me back BUT just because im happy being me doesnt mean i can let the kilos keep pounding on its just gonna cause me health problems and will limit me in things i can do sooner or later. altho i do have issue with my arms they are too fat and i wont wear anything that doesnt cover them.

I would love to look at a chocolate and not want to eat it but i think that some ppl can eat to live and some ppl live to eat guess we know what i am lol.


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