My weight loss journey

  • Author Hustlin Mama
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
After reading other peoples blogs and being inspired by their results, I have decided to start my own!

So I am a 39 year old mother of 4 beautiful children, 8,10,13 & 18 and wife to my very supportive husband.
I work in my children's TUCKSHOP...yes, I am surrounded by food, hot, greasy, sweet, yummy food Monday to Friday and to a point this has taken a toll on me. I say to a point, because ultimately I am in charge of what I shove in my mouth!

I have tried sooooo many diets! Isagenix, Weight Watchers, Michelle Bridges 12WBT, HGC drops, Aitkens, name it, over the past 10 years I have done it!

This year I am going to make it my year....I refuse to be FAT, FRUMPY AND FORTY! I will be FIT, FUN AND FORTY come my birthday is September.

So first things first I did some research and found a Dr that prescribed duromine and went in to see her. What I didn't expect was an invitation to be apart of a health trial! Yes, exciting and scary.

So I got weighed in, my metabolic age was a horrible 54 years, my fat was at 40% and I was obese at 85kg and 164 cm tall. My Dr prescribed me 30mg of duromine but gave me a weeks worth to trial before filling my script.

So here are my stats and I will start with my benchmark stats

Height 164cm
Weight 85.0kg
Fat 40.5%
Fat Mass 34.4kgs (thats how much fat I am carrying!)
Muscle Mass 48.0%
BMR 1555 cal (how many calories my body needs just to breath, live, function)
Metabolic Age 54 years (YIKES)
Visceral Fat Rating 8 (1-12 is acceptable)

My doctor has told me to the 5:2 fast diet, so thats what I am preparing to do. 2 days a week, are 500 calorie days and the other 5 are normal eating, within my TDEE which is about 1600 cals


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Hustlin Mama
Read time
2 min read
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