My Weightloss Journey.

  • Author rebecca.111
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi everyone. I have just started with duromine on the 8th of November.
29 yrs old. 158cm short.
SW - 99.2kg (8/11/14)
CW - 97.1kg (10/11/14)
GW - 50kg

I'm a pasta addict. Especially pastas with chicken and creamy sauces, and spag bol. Pastries, pizzas, takeaway, kfc, sushi.
Before starting duromine I was always so fatigued and gave myself every excuse under the sun. I would eat clean and lean food, then on weekends drink with my partner then would eat. Then eat because I was hungover, then tell myself, oh well may as well go all out now. I will start again on monday. Then I was getting so frustrated with the amount of times I done this. I just couldn't seem to be consistent and it made me so frustrated! Ive had duromine in the past. About 8 years ago. It done wonders for me, and I had no problem once my 3 months were up. I continued to stay in a good routine and health.. but 5 yrs ago I fell pregnant and still I was an average weight, but after, my weight crept up to 70-75 for yrs. Since December last yr, I have gained an extra 25-30kg!
So now I have to lose nearly 50kgs. I'm so annoyed at myself and I rrally hope I don't get any sagging skin because I've put so much weight on :(
So I have had 3 days worth now, and unlike the last time I had duromine, this time I have no problem at all with sleep. Lol. And not shakey this time, and no mood problem. Im just happy this time to have energy again! It's been so long!
So here is my blog, and I will be updating minimum on a weekly basis. I look forward to talking to you all and sharing stories. :)
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Big Girl SA
Hi Rebecca,

We have a lot in common! I am currently 97kg, my next weigh in will be on Friday. I have been on Duromine for just over 2 weeks, and have lost 4.9kg so far. In total, I have managed to lose 18kg since starting my weight loss journey. Pasta use to be my favourite food too, but nowadays its pineapple! I never believed that I would choose fruit over food! I still have 37kg to lose. I believe that if you incorporate a good exercise routine, the saggy skin wont be a problem, but I guess we will have to see when we get there :) Looking forward to following your progress.
Hi there girls sounds very familiar in my family to me and my partner drink every weekend at home and then yes either we don't eat before we start having a few drinks and then I'm starving before I go to bed or def the next day I find I'm in a rutt of eating unhealthy but my baby is only 5 months old so I guess it hasn't been that long well that's what people tell me after I out on 30kg with my first son! So I have mg duromine still sitting here little nervous on taking it as it feels like I'm on speed and find it hard to sleep and my mouth grinds really bad but I guess will give a go
Hi :) @Big Girl SA .
18 kilos! That's incredible! And 4.9 on duromine is awesome! :) it's good to know I might just have a chance on moving on from pasta. Haha! I made sure I've joined a gym now and hope that it will also help to tighten my skin. Fingers crossed! Lol. Do you have an instagram account?
If so, mines
Hi @sasha27
We do sound similar with habits :)
duromine does seem to effect us all differently, I still cant believe I can sleep so well this time round. Where as yrs ago I couldnt sleep.
What time in the morning did you take it?
See how u go hun. Go with your gut feeling. Keep us posted on your journey! And do u have instagram? We should follow each other on there too :)
good luck ! Look forward to reading from yous soon! Xo
Update time :)

SW - 99.2KG (08/11/14)
CW - 95.1KG (14/11/14) 4.1 kg loss
GW- 50KG
My first week and duromine so far has definitely been a great appetite suppressor.
I think it has been helping with my gym work outs also. Definitely can do a lot more then I expected. But still feel tired in the day afterwards. Especially just after lunch. All I have for lunch is a bowl of vegies or a bowl of salad. So its nothing heavy, yet I still want to sleep but I cant. My night sleeps are amazing. I go to bed earlier now. Lol. And I wake up before my alarm! Today I am feeling really tired though. But that could also because I had to wake up at 3 and drop my partner off at work by 4 and come back amd I hoped that a power snooze would help, but it hasn't. Plus I have my period now. So I skipped gym today and have the day off, so I might just have that nap.
So thats my update so far.
Hi Rebecca I too love pasta, however I have found an alternative which is slim noodles found in woolworths only 16 calories for the whole pack:p They have lasagna sheets as well, they take on the flavour of any pasta sauce you make ... Give them a try ;) and a big congrats on your first weeks loss:)

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