New Beginnings

  • Author Journey from 120kg
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Today is Day 1 on my journey to a better me.

Here are some Stats:
Starting weight : 120.1kg
Size : 20 - 22​

Goal weight: 65 - 75kg
A 50kg fat loss would be ideal.
A bit about my weight loss/gain history.
For the last two years my weight has flucuated between 120kg - 110kg. I'm fine starting a weight loss plan, but after the first month or so, the losses plateau and I become disheartened and revert to my old bad habits. The kilo's come back bring a few extra with them.

Today (my first day) went really well, I feel great and a little more energised than usual.

I'll post again next week.

Wish me luck.



Good luck, darling!

This time would be different, just think positively and be ready to struggle - never look back to your old bad habits.
Little step at a time.

P.S. we are always happy to support our precious people :laughing: and you are the part of our big family now!
Good luck to you.

I love your pic. I am almost a year into my weight loss and I am sooooooo glad I started. I began at 117 kg and have similar goals. I can actually feel that I will make it now. I was like you. I would start a weight loss plan then fall off the wagon and gain it all back plus some.

I'm so glad I found the D and this site. It all has fallen into place. No one thing is the magic ticket. I feel it has been a combination. My attitude, Duromine, support from this site, writing my blog, being 'ready', exercise, calorie counting......

I have had my ups and downs, and I have learned a lot.

Sharon xoxo
Journey from 120kg
Thanks for the message. I think this site is great. I have loved reading through everyones blogs. It is nice to know that there are others who have been through, or are going through, the same as me.
Wow great work I am on day two and looking forward to hopefully seeing some good results like yours! Hope to see your continued progress :) all the best!

Blog entry information

Journey from 120kg
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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