New start!

  • Author mummy of 2
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi im 26 (27 next mth)

158cm tall and currently 104.9
Tomorrow is day 1 I'm so excited
I have 2 kids my daughter is 2 and son is 4 months. I've got postnatal depression and my weight is depressing me. My goal is 65kg and my first mini goal is to be mid 80s by my bday end of August.

I'm start with a pt this week and going to start zumba as well.
I love my fiance he tells me he loves me no matter what I look like. But I cry anytime I see a photo of myself n would like to finally set a date.

Thought this might help with support as we are all here for the same reason.
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mummy of 2
Read time
1 min read
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