New to Duromine - and Feeling a Little Odd

  • Author Jess.B85
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi All

I'm new to Duromine and having a weird day. I was doing some research and came aross this site. Although I'm all the way in South Africa I'm sure there has to be someone (anywhere) who might be experiencing the same side effects.

I'm almost 30, +- 1.68 and weigh nearly 100kg. I've been doing dancing for a year but my weight constantly fluctuates (and I've put on instead of losing like I thought I would). I had a little break down on Friday.

I'd been to dancing and was in a class with two petite ladies. I don't know what it was, maybe I was filled with jealousy or disappointment in myself, but I was filled with utmost dispear. I fought back the tears until the end of class and had a good cry on the way home. (had to refuel - the petrol jockey must have thought I'd lost my mind-teehee)

Anyway I got home and collapsed onto my bed in tears, thats when popabear came to my flat and decided to take me to my doctor - you need to understand, I'v been fighting my weight for years... I've been on atleast 4 different diets, with success, but have put it all back on and more.

Anywho, Doc put me onto 30mg Duromine, this is day four, I'm feeling confident because I know there was nowhere else to turn. I'm cutting out all unnecessary fat, no sugar except for fruit and one teaspoon honey over my muesli and I will continue dancing, I'll even walk to dancing.

However today I feel odd...this could be due to the hectic overtime hours we are working and the terrible over cast rainy weather we are having. But I have a sence of dread (for lack of a better way to describe it), a bit uneasy, and quite annoyed with everyone around me...please tell me someone else experienced this?? mouth is extremely dry??

Lastly...I haven't weighed myself or taken measurments...I don't like weighing.. maybe I should just measure...or take pics every three weeks?? Advice??

Many Thanks for reading my long-winded entry. I look forward to supporting you all and being supported by you



Welcome Jess,
Yes I have experienced exactly what you describe. Firstly the dry mouth. YES! In the first few weeks my mouth was so dry I had to have throat lozenges at night. I thought I was coming down with a cold. Lots and lots of water helps. It does settle down though.
The sense of dread. Have had that too. I have times that my family have wanted to abandon me. It comes and goes and I know it is the D that is doing this. When it happens I have a day off the D and it seems to fix things. I think the D builds up over time and a break here and there is useful. You have to remember that the D is a stimulant so it can cause a lack of sleep and although you feel like you don't need it, your brain does need it. It can play with your emotions too.
Good luck and keep checking in.
I would love to hear how you go
Welcome to our community!
Dry mouth is a common side effect - so don't worry,
Better weighing than measuring, because there might be no obvious changes in measurements, but obvious difference on the scales, or vice versa - depends on a person. Plus, kgs come off quicker than cm
Hold on now! You are not alone anymore with this and you see that your weight issue is common for many people, not just skinny ladies live on the planet))
Good luck, darling. :)
Welcome to the page!
I was in the same boat as you i have been on it for 3weeks and have lost around 6kgs i feel so much better in myself i still sometimes suffer from the dry mouth havent had a headache or anything like that for ages... I cant drink cooldrink or eat lollies as i feel sick as soon as i taste sugar weird i no.... i weigh my self at least once a week i dont worry about measurments as it changes all the time i just go off that my clothes are getting really loose..... i would love to hear how you go and good luck with everything :)
Big Girl SA
Hi Jess,

I'm also in SA :) I have been lucky not to have many side effects, I do get a dry mouth now and then, but found that if I keep my water intake high, it doesn't happen. Its like my body is reminding me that its time for water Good luck, and keep us all updated on your progress.

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