New to duromine day1-4

  • Author Beccy72
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So I started duromine 30mg on Monday started out well felt really good just not to hungry all day. I ate a few small meals, I also did 30mins on my exercise bike and drank like 4 litres of water.
Day 2 morning was good had trouble eating a bowl of cereal but managed it just. In the afternoon I felt like crap had a sore tummy, headache, vomited twice and felt dizzy. Didn't get to ride my bike but did drink 4 and a half litres of water.
Day 3 I skipped the tablet this morning thinking I'll only take it every second day so my body has more time to adjust to it so I don't feel sick like I did on day 2 as I've got 2 kids and it makes it hard to look after them lol. Still wasn't feeling to hungry and had a few small meals and did half an hour on my bike and drunk 4 litres of water.
It's the start of day 4 now had my tablet and breakfast now let's see how today goes.

My stats:
Starting weight 86.2kg
Goal weight 60kg
I've got 4 small goals in between
Small goal 1 79kg
SG 2 75kg
SG 3 70kg
SG 4 65kg

I hope this works well for me as I've tried so much and nothing seams to work, I'll be weighing in every week and fingers crossed I can make it to some of my goals

Good luck to everyone on their duromine journey :)
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Good luck Beccy. Sorry to hear you did not feel so well but it is a good idea to take it every second day. If you get used to it you can start taking it every day and then start skipping days in between.
Doing great on the water, exercise and meals. Believe you will see amazing results!!!
Thanks i was thinking trying every second day till i have two consecutive days were i can risk not feeling well im hoping i can try that on the weekend and my body will be more adjuested to it then fingers crossed but ill take it slow atm and not having one tomorrow coz i had it today and felt great lol
Cant wait for my first weigh in getting excited and impatient just so looking forward to seeing results in the numbers :)
Good luck Beccy,
You make me feel confident that if we try hard enough we can do it. I hope your body adjusts soon. Go Beccy.

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  • Beccy72
    day 9
    I made it to day 9 today with little side effects so im happy about that though i have taken 4...

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