
  • Author Rashidah4me
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read

I am new

I am 33 and i will be turning 34 in about 2 months. I have not checked what my exact weight is but judging from the fact that XL and 16 is TOO SMALL - i would say i need duromine. It has taken 9 years for this weight to creep on. I managed to loose all of it after my daughter (almost 9) and could fit into my size 36 clothes comfortably. But after my son (5 in 2 months), i have tried everything and nothing has worked. I now wear the same size as my mother (size 44 and she is 53 yrs old). I can't undress in front of hubby cause i hate my body and i HATE shopping for NEW, BIGGER SIZED clothes.

I have ordered my 3 months stock of duromine and i look forward to starting as soon as it has arrived.

I have read both the good and NOT so good experiences and comments and i have made my decision (your experiences may not be the same as mine) and i am prepared for the road i am taking.

See you on the other side (A more confident woman)


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