
  • Author Jodi
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  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi I've just filled my first script and I'm starting tomorrow. I'm taking 30mg and would love to hear about others journey. I'm 110kg and 172cm tall. I would love to get down to 70-75kg. I'm scared and excited and just can't wait to see some results.
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Hi, I'm on Day 6, I was 96.5 on Day 3, want to get to 70/65. At the moment, I just can't wait to be weighed on Monday, and see how I go! I've been writing a few things down in a blog as I go, would love to share stories, :)
Hi Jodie, I'm on Day 1 of 30mg. I am 161cm and weigh 90kg, my goal is to lose 25-30kg.

I am excited too, I have a feeling that D is just what I need to kickstart my weighloss and finally do this!

Good luck to you :)
Hi all, This was day 4 for me on 30mg. I started at 97kgs and am 168cms. I think the dr said I can do it for the 3 months, with fortnightly weigh ins with her. I am hoping to get to 85 at least in that time on this and will still need to loose more- to be 75kg again - pre babies weight would be great! As its all new to me too, I like to check in to this page too so will be good to keep in contact and see how we are all going :)
It's great to hear about other people on the same journey. I hope this is the kick start we all need to get ourselves on the road to success. Nothing more heart breaking than eating healthy and exercising and not seeing results. I'm excited!!!
Hi all,

I am on day 3 on 30mg. Starting weight of 89kgs and 165cm. My goal is to lose 25kgs to get me back in to the healthy weight range. I am a full time working mum with 2 daughter and a husband who works in the mines and does shift work so I have little time for exercise.
I have been suffering from insomnia the last 2 nights but still feeling quite energised considering I am only getting about 3 hours sleep a night.
Would love to stay in contact and follow everyone's journey.
Good luck ladies! I know Duromine will surely help to kickstart weight loss for all of you!
The biggest problem is the appetite that is difficult to fight, eating habits and all that food that is high in calories that we might not even know of. The first one can be easily defeated by Duromine, the rest you should do on your own. It is time for a change! I hope you will accept your diet not as a treatment and torture for your body, but as a happy time where your body becomes even more beautiful than it is now!

A good quote: It is not a short term diet. It's a long term lifestyle change.
Hi guys I am on day starting weight was 134.8 after gaining 25kg during pregnancy.I haven't slept in 48 hrs.I really hope it will work
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Day 2 and no side effects at all! Haven't been hungry at all but have made sure I eat regularly and count my calories. Tried this really yummy herbal tea by twinnings. It's steamed green tea with a hint of lemon. I normally hate herbal tea but this is yummy! I'm so used to drinking loads of coffee throughout the day but I've cut back to one coffee and herbal tea. I read somewhere that green tea helps shrink the stomach fat so that's good enough for me lol.
Day 4 and still no side effects and no weight loss. Started swimming today so here's hoping that helps.
Day 5 and I can't shake this cracking headache!!! Is that a side effect or is it caffeine withdrawal? Apart from that I'm feeling fantastic!
Hi Jodi, it might be that you need more water? I know that in the early days, when I had the feeling of a headache coming, if I drank a bit more water it seemed to go away. I hope it goes away, take care, :)
Hi Jodi, I was like you for the first 5 days or so suffering from a headache and originally thought it may have been from being dehydrated so I started drinking a lot more water (around 3 litres a day infact) but headache still persisted. Today I am on Day 7 and no headache so I think it passes with time.
Weighed myself this morning and have lost 2.4kg's. Very happy with results achieved first week!
Good Luck with your journey!
So I weighed myself on Day 7 and I'm excited to say I've lost 3kg!!!! That's made me feel so much better. I'm more determined than ever to smash this and lose as much weight as I can!
Well done Jodi!!

I lost 2.2kgs last wk for my first wk.

Are you being really good with your diet?
I'm definately not eating as much but still probably the same type of foods, I might need to work on that bit a bit more this wk.

I had really bad headaches in the Arvys of the first wk too but come to think of it, didn't get them much this wk so hopefully just a starting off thing
Hi Tan, I'm calorie counting which seems to be working for me. I eating around 1200 calories per day. I'm also swimming twice a week but aiming to get that up to 3 day per week.

I've downloaded an app called my fitness pal that gives you a food diary. You can even scan barcodes in the supermarket to help you make better choices.

I've always struggled with food so I'm hoping that I can get rid of bad habits whilst I'm on Duromine so that when I come off I've got a good routine.
That sounds like a really great plan!! :)

Hope you have a great wk 2. I'm 3kgs down now after 2 wks on it :)

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