Night 2 - Day 3 start.

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Oks, a little bit more back story, I work 12 hour shifts rising at around 5am and not getting home till around 7pm and I usually change clothes sit back and chill. Work can either be really slow and not a lot of activity, or super busy and we run off our feet all day.

Well yesterday was a busy day, which usually wrecks me AND after being able to have a workout on my lunch break, finishing my busy day and getting home, I was still energised and did things around the house!! Even ironed my uniforms!

Slept pretty good, couple roll overs here n there but nothing really out of the norm.

Start of day 3, feeling good..
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Wohooo!!! Sounds like everything goes nice and smooth (touch wood). Have a fantastic Day 3! Hope that you do have enough time to fuel your body well with proper food. Cheers!
Thanks April! I'm trying a low calorie approach at the moment BUT If I feel that I'm starting to get lethargic during the day, ie: from the workouts, workload etc, ill up the calories, I think the diet/foods I'm eating would fluctuate from 700 - 1000 cals no at the moment. well these last 3 days.
You certainly need to increase the calories! You exercise, you are active! If you want to lose weight, you need to fuel your body properly. Otherwise, it will stop letting fat go and you will not be able to build muscles. You can use any calculator to see approximately how many calories you need during the day, then divide the calories to the required amount of meals and snacks, making sure that you consume plenty of proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates and fiber. All these should be present in your nutrition!!! You are serious about the weight loss thing, so do it correctly.
No worries April, Im going to double check my numbers and report back!
WOW sorry April my numbers where way off!! How does this look??

(at work 12 hr day)
Shakes x 2 @ 250 cals = 500
2 x Apples @ 100 cals = 200
2 x Pears @ 100 cals = 200
(shake & 1 piece of fruit for breakfast, same for lunch, snack on the other two pieces during the day)

(home after work)
Dinner ( 200g meat + veg/salad standard cooking) @ 500 cals ish.

Totalling 1400 cals ruffly, this has been my diet the last 3 days and I'm feeling fine,

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