Not Getting Closer at all!

  • Author StormGirl2012
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
And so the plot thickens . . . I went to get my prescription on Monday morning to be asked to come back later, as they didn't have them at the chemist at the moment. I finished work and happily trotted off to the chemist all excited only to then be told that they can't give them to me as I need to be off the Antidepressants for 14 days. This was a contraindication and not a warning. My doc told me it only had to be 3 days so they rang him and he said he didn't know that. I am devastated to say the very least. I eat well and exercise regularly anyway so hopefully I'll drop a bit before next weekend. Feels like I'm never going to get there :(


Hi StormGirl..sorry 2 hear tht abt ur script but i am sure its not all bad as long as you stick 2 ur diet and regular excerise u should be fine..goodluck 2 u
I know it is disappointing, but better to do the right thing and not have complications.
The side effects from the D alone can be pretty daunting in the first few weeks without any added problems.
You will get there. Use this two weeks to sort some things out. Get a head start on the D. Most of weight loss is in your head and if you can mentally prepare you are half way there. The D will just be a tool to make it that much easier to stick with your plan.
Good luck.
Every day is day closer girl !! , YOU get to make the choice, not the D , OR YOUR DOC OR PHARMACIST, they only "helpers " YOU are in control ... each day and week is a challenge in itself , work, exercise, preparing meals , family , friends, stress ,etc, so this is just another challenge in your new lifestyle changes , one day closer to a newer you, you already half way too success just by your attitude, as you said .
" I eat well and exercise regularly anyway so hopefully I'll drop a bit before next weekend." you can do this, you are doing this ... keep going , GO GO GOAL ...

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