Perfect Diet?

  • Author RaspberryJade
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
On the path to finding the perfect diet.. finally learning all about carbs protein fats sugars ect and its HARD!

When i first started i was scared to put anything in my mouth, im learning everyday about food teaching myself useing the internet reading everything in the fridge cans salts everything! coming up with yummy healthy things to eat portion control and when to eat things. Its not just about having the smallest amount of kj's as u can in a day its so much more and for the first time Im getting it i can finaly wrap my head around things Ive go so much more to learn but i didnt know yesterday what i know today so im looking forward to what ill know 2moro! and im really believeing that the key to weightloss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. now i think about food before i put it in my body.

Truth - Tuesday 26th July my starting weight 105.4kg (231.9lbs)
to fit into my BMI i need to lose 39kg (85.8lbs) that number sounds unreachable but i need something crazy to drive me!
Honestly i dont think 66kg is a healthy weight for me I have a large frame and no one in my family even at there very fittest have been able to fit into there BMI and stay there without eating like a rabbit BUT i need a goal and just picking a random number just doesnt work for me.
Short term goal Tuesday 20th Sept i want to be at 89kg that will mean a loss of 16kg! :).

This is whats working for me..
Cant do it alone! you have to tell the ppl you live with you are on a diet becos if they do a big cook up with the thought u will eat u will feel to guilty to say no. whats working for me is i have my shelf in the fridge with all my food and everyone knows its mine im on a diet so if they eat my food i wont have anything and in there minds they will think oh yuk diet food and trust me they do!
Tell only your good friends! I find i dont need the judgment of friends who are not in my life full time its to much pressure when u see them they will think 'oh has she lost weight still looks fat to me' just dont need it!
Accountabilibuddy! its important for me not to have someone watching everything that goes in my mouth but someone i trust so when im having a huuge craving for chocolate or really want one cookie but will end up eating the whole pack i can txt saying i want i want i want then they will make a joke be strong dont let the chocolate win a laugh will take the edge off and when they txt you with there craving you know ur not the only one craving for things
Diet stick to foods you will eat forever if like me you love chocolate tooo much try detox from junk for 21days then after that put it in your diet if you want to have chocolate have it but make sure u still eat the vegis and good food on top of the bad u just had.


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