One update for everybody!!! If you plan visiting a dentist dont forget to tell him that before the visit and ask about possibilities. I needed to visit dr today so i went forgetibg about it. By luck i was reading about phen pro and i found a study about phentermine and dentist interaction. Excually what phentermine interact is anaesthetic. Usually inside is lidocaine, which release epinephrine in your treated area so you dont feel pain. The bad side of this is that phentermine alone already do this and by adding extra of it, expecially by needle it can be even deadly! I told my doc today and they told me no problem cause they will use other type of anaesthetic without epinephrine. I went, i got the injection didnt had any side effects. Yet the best is to always tell y dentist about it! not all of them knows about this interaction(unfortunally)...
Well my eyes are starting to fall down... feeling tired but on good way. very relaxed and sleepy.
i think i will sleep like a baby
Well my eyes are starting to fall down... feeling tired but on good way. very relaxed and sleepy.
i think i will sleep like a baby