Prelude to the Duromine Journey

  • Author Cocobee
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So I've got my prescription and I'm off to buy my prescribed pack of Duromine 30g today. I've been doing a lot of reading about the pro's and con's of Duromine and basically trying to put together a plan of attack in my head as to how I will deal with the side effects if they come and how I'm going to get results from using the tablets.
From what I've read, the what I plan to do to get the best results is to continue with my healthy way of eating. I do have slip ups, but I will do my best to minimise this as I want to see results!
I'll be keeping up the water intake. I've bought a brand new drinking bottle and plan to drink 1-1.5 bottles per day. I've been exercising 2-3 times a week at the gym plus the occasional run/walk on the weekend with my children. I aim to keep this up and kick it up a notch where I can.
I'm hoping that with this plan, combined with the help of the Duromine, I will be able to achieve the results I want to achieve. I originally wanted to drop 2 dress sizes before July, but my tardiness and procrastination has only left a month and a half before we go away on Holiday. So, I hope I can drop half the size I want to by then and then, by November, achieve the results I want to see. I don't want to be looking for a size 18 dress for our friends wedding then. I want a size 14 (being realistic)... if I can get to a 12 well - wow - that would be amazing.

I'm realistic about what I can achieve and know that tablets alone will not get me to where I want to be. SO here's hoping for success as I really need it :)
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