Psychology of the scales

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Today I had a wonderful day! :rolleyes:
You may wonder why?
I hopped on the scales this morning and was two kilos lighter than the last time I weighed myself.
I realised that what the scales tells me has a huge effect on my state of mind.
The past few weeks has been difficult because I hit a bump in the road. My weight stayed the same or crept up a little. Each day I weighed myself and the numbers had not moved or had crept up, I found it harder. My mood and motivation had fallen. It was a self perpetuating cycle.
So I stopped weighing myself every other day and am now limiting myself to twice a week. It was too depressing.
I started to forget to weigh myself in the mornings. I just got on with it and the number no longer was an indication of how my day was going to progress.
So.... this morning I got up, had a shower and realised I had not weighed myself since Tuesday... 5 whole days! Normally I would not weigh myself after a shower (all those drops of water must weigh something, right) but I jumped on anyway and I weighed 105.6 kg.. sorry, that can't be right... I hopped off and hopped on again.... same result. That's almost two kilos less than last weigh in. To say I was surprised is an understatement considering how my last few weeks have gone. (BTW. it is about bl**dy time!)
Anyway... today I have had more energy and my mood has been up. For the most part I think it has to do with the surprising result on the scales. The sun was also out today and the weather milder than the past week (cold, rain, hail and wind) too. I was able to go for a bike ride and achieved all my movement goals for the day, which I have not come close to all week.
It is great that I was in a great mood today but I really need to not let the number on the scales effect me so much.
I will continue to limit the amount I weigh myself. I have found it is much better to do so.
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good for you !!!Smick... this is a huge achievement , huge !!! , I agree that is plays havoc on your mind ,your attitude, and drive to run the race and keep going {so to speak } The weather is just as powerful at stopping us from doing what needs to be done, and we use it as an excuse most days , but now we taking action and dealing with each obstacle in our lives and ticking the boxes, not easy but we pick ourselves up and keep going , that in itself is a change and progress already, as we would usually throw in the towel if the going got tough right ? Maybe not weigh only every two weeks but once a week? and every second week measure ? ,I have found that it works this way for me at the moment, hope I can have your will power later on to weigh every two weeks ,so glad you had a good day ,hoping you have many more good days this week coming !!!love reading your Blog entries, keep going ..I am right behind ya !!:)
That's fantastic Sharon :) just keep on doing what you are and the weight will drop off ....I agree the weather is a mood changer ...have a great week have a great week :)
Great job, you must be very proud. You know the Scale isnt our Friend at all, so dont just rely on it you also lose lots of fat and if you notice your clothes are fitting better or getting loser that should tell you that your doing good. And i am not perfect either i always way myself its a bad Habit it makes you go crazy, but we should just put our mind towards our goal and what we going to do today, eat right exercise drink 8 cups of water and if we complate all of this today and do the same tomorrow we are already making changes and there huge , sometimes we forget those little things that are in front of us, its no the scale it never was or is, its how we see each other and how we can make changes to be the better healthier you. See your mind does know all of this, even i know but there is always that scale that puts a number we dont agree with, well you and even i should ditch it and look at the brighter picture , even if the numbers on the scale are right are we going to be happy with it on not, i really think it playes on your mind on us Ladies. Life is so beautiful and if you have your Health you can do whatever you want, because when your ill you really dont have the control over anything, this just crossed my mind b/c my hubby suffered cancer since 2012 with a relapse last year and now he feels good no sign of it retruning ( thank God), my point only is that the bloody scale cant run our life, we need to do it right. Its not the most importent thing to have, when your alive and full of life you just need the right direction and tools so your mind is ready for the changes.

Keep going and be Happy and Healthy.
Thanks Leigh.
Went for a ride this morning and could have kept going all day. Don't know exactly how far but I went 3 times around the big lake, 2 times around the smaller lake, visited my sister and had a coffee then came home. It is about 2km to get to the big lake, 1.5km around the lake, 1km detour to my sisters and about 1km around the small lake. So 2+(1.5x3)+1+(1x2)+2= about 11km. Not bad. I took a longer way home too so probably more.
I skipped school today as I thought I was getting a migraine :oops:
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I too am fighting a battle with the scales I weigh myself everyday and I know that is bad so it is something I am trying to ween myself off! it seems so silly to let my day be ruled by a number I see in the morning but its kind of a compulsion, I really dont want this mindset for my daughter my Mum used to weigh herself and talk about her weight all the time and whilst I know I cant blame it all on her she definately made me think about my weight alot as a kid and still as an adult. Time to break some patterns! I am determined to lose the weight for good this time! good luck on your journey
fantastic Smick, keep doing what works for you and motivates you, on the migraine situation, it could be the lactic acid build up while you cycle , and can cause some tension in your neck and shoulder muscles too, drink loads of water on those days, hot shower or bath after, and maybe some magnesium too, I have migraine from time to time, pms, and certain foods, cheese and choc used to be triggers, but have not had any since on D ,but noticed my migraines were more intense since exercising, and magnesium has helped me recover quicker for sure ...Still having a wobble with scale now and again, but now and again is better than everyday, and really hoping to get only once a week, without it being an issue in my life ..we can all overcome this one too.. even if it takes a little longer than we want it to..xx enjoy your cycling, you going to see huge results soon especially in the toning of your muscles , keep going girl..

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