Putting myself first.

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well I've never really blogged before, or put this out there for all to read, so this is my first time at it and ill give it a red hot go.
Oks, I guess I'm a lot like most men, coming from a fit and strong body in my youth, to getting older and finding less and less time for myself, Renovations on our house, Work to pay for everything, then overtime to try and get the finer things, next thing you know its balancing one fulltime job with two sideline jobs, resulting in drinking too much alcohol on the down time, eating too much of the bad stuff (as its the easy way) and not a lot of the good stuff and always putting everyone else's priorities first instead of mine.

I scored a lower back injury about 8 years ago snow boarding, which would fluctuate in severity with my core strength, at times it would make it impossible to train, which would result in weight gain and that has been a roller coaster of weight gain and loss over the last few years.

Well that's enough of some of the back story, I decided this year to put myself first, not in a selfish way, just making time for me to sort my issues. I got glasses as my eyes where not a sharp as they used to be, I got all my dental work sorted, as well we all hate the dentist and I engaged a physio and chiro to sort my back, which is doing really well.

So this is the last thing on the list, loose weight, Im not fully using Duromine to do this, I have changed my diet, now my back is good I'm back into training, I'm more thinking of the Duromine as a booster in kick starting my weight loss.

Im on day two, I have noticed I don't have a wicked hunger for everything in sight, which is good, I do feel higher energy levels and my first workout felt really good, first nights sleep was fine also.
Ill try and post most days or every second day kinder thing, I intend to weigh in weekly.
And the bottom line... starting weight 111.5 kgs.
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Hello Rob. Welcome to the forum and in your new life phase! Sounds like you are on your way to the stage, where you realized that you do matter and you need your own time and attention. that is a HUGE change and many people never get on this road. Congratulations on the changes and hope that Duromine will help you kick start your weight loss!

Sounds like side effects are quite mild. Fingers crossed it will go on like this. Cheers! =)
Thanks April, I'm going try and use this blog kinder like a daily diary thing and put it all out there, how im feeling, what im thinking and all that. It was cool to find something like this online that we all can utilize and share info, experience etc
Looking forward to your successful journey and wish you all the best!

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2 min read
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