
  • Author Rena93
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  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi, I've been prescribed 30mg by my doctor however I don't feel it is working to the full potential that everyone else is seeming to experience.
As my doctor is a family friend she doesn't want to prescribe me 40mg so I'm wondering if I should take 1&1/2 of the 30mg to increase my dose to 45mg?
I have no previous illnesses with heart or mental problems and I'm strictly following the exercise and diet guidelines.
Is it possible to take half a capsule as it is just full of powder? I read on another post not to consume 60mg so any other recommendations would be great!


Hi, Rena.
First of all, how long do you take D?
Secondly, it is not good to begin with the largest dose, which is 40 mg obviously. Side efeects you know + later you will not feel the effect.
Thirdly, capsules are made specifically this way to provide a slow release of a product, which should act somewhere in your stomach/intestines for a longer time than tablets. So you should never open them! Not to mention the powder inside might hurt your stomach mucosa or mouth (who knows?).o_O
And last but not least - only your doc can decide whether to increase the dose or not. You must never do that alone. Please don't mess up with doses.

P.S. Some people need more time than others to feel the effect of D (as well as many other drugs), you should be patient.
I am sure, you will feel the effect of D soon, don't worry)))
Keep us informed.
Good luck!:)
Hi Kate,
I've been on it for 2-3 weeks and the side effects are suppressed hunger/loss of appetite and increased alertness. I'm a huge sleeper so getting to bed at night hasn't been a problem for me even though I don't sleep in as much as I used to. And I take my capsule at 8:00am (quite late in comparison to others). As per your recommendation I will not open the capsules. 95% of my weight gain over the last 2 years was due to a medication I was put on where in 3 months I put 17kg!! I have been advised that "medical fat" is harder to get rid of than regular weight. Do you think this could be the reason the 30mg has not affected me as much as it has others?

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