Results of Day 1

  • Author Missoutthere
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Only slept for 2 hours last night. Took Duromine at 5am instead of 8am to see if it would make any difference. My roommate is a bad influence :( she got pizza for dinner last night so that's what I'll be eating for the next few days! My face is breaking out and im overly emotional this morning. I'm remembering the joys of Duromine!!!!

B x 111cm
W x 107cm
H x 116cm


Hang in there, it took me 2 days for my body to realise it doesn't want that food. I take my dose as soon as I wake up and after about a week your sleep will settle down.
I went through my fridge last night and gave all the "junk" food that was in it to my parents and little sister (including the left over pizza!!!). Today I'm finding that if the food isn't infront of me then I don't find myself thinking about it.

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