shoes on?

  • Author tarme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
To all my friends out you get weighed at the doctors with shoes on or shoes off? I understand Doctors don't want to smell our feet if we weigh our self with shoes off but .......come on Doctors you will see better results in your patients if the shoes are off. This can distort my mind of positive thinking. My scales say a different result. What are your thoughts?


I weigh in with my thongs on. It's what I wore when I first go the script and was weighed.

I think as long as you weigh in consistently it should vary the results too much.

In saying that my docs scales weigh me less then mine at home by about 2kgs and I expected it to do so when I weighed in to get my 2nd script however it weighed me even lighter saying I'd lost close to 9 kgs instead of the 5.5kgs my scales showed.
I just automatically take my shoes off. Hey, if they are funny about it take along a disinfectant wipe and tell them you will clean it.;)
My doctor's scales are pretty old and putrid anyway. They weigh the same as the ones at home tho, so no surprises.
She wanted shoes on ,I took them off, not that it mattered as it was 2 in the afternoon, and i had all my clothes on, where at home I weigh first thing in the morning empty tummy and only panties on..And totally different scales, so I just took her amount of kg from her scale , and compared them to my morning weigh in which is a HUGE difference, 1.03 KG DIFFERENCE.. but that is fine, as I know the reasons why it is more, and I am not going to fret myself, what I have decided to do from now on though ,is book an appointment early morning, and ask if I may use my scale in her office , with clothes on, just to see the difference ,as I wish I had gone home, straight after weighing at her at 2pm and kept my clothes on and jumped on my scale, then I would have seen the difference on my own scale and could gauge it that way ,so no huge surprise at her office.. lol ...As long as week keep losing ... ON the shoe thing, it has nothing to do with your feet smell, or sweat etc, they want to go with the heaviest weight, and do not want you in their rooms longer than you need to be, and many people do not like taking their shoes off especially very over weight people with pot bellies they cannot get them back on, ni lies.. it is to save embarrassment to the patient..The other thing is, so man people of different weight sizes and me and women get on that one little scale,and if the doctors do not take their scales in regularly to have them realigned they weight reading is all wacked out of balance and is not accurate at all.. so best we do it on our own scales ..Another thing, if your scale is on a carpet or tiles you get different readings too, and if the floor is not even... so many little things can change that dial .. So thinking about all these things will make you go nuts in the end, hahah ...BUT they are things to take into consideration when you get on a scale be it your own or someone elses.. :)
I make sure I weight myself in relatively the same clothing usually just undies and a thin shirt or singlet I've worn to bed. I do my morning piddle, get my scales and line them up on the tiles in the same spot each time.

I weighed myself on our new carpet just to see the difference and it weighed my like 25 kgs lighter. If only!!
yup there you go Kaylouise, !! that sounds like me, same line on the tiles .... God forbid anyone move it an inch ... hahahah.. soon we will all be putting our scales on the carpet, lol ...
The scales are in my mums rooms so I weigh myself in her ensuite.

The other morning I get the scales ready to weigh my self and my mum was using her bathroom to go to the toilet. I couldn't believe it like how rude that she needed to empty her bladder at the same time I was ready to weigh myself:eek::p

I had to weigh myself in my bathroom. I did but I didn't trust it even though it was a loss! I needed to weigh myself in her bathroom behind the same line!! :laughing:
That's funny, I do weigh myself at home in the morning with panties only and yes after the morning wee. You know that could be a kg gone. The doctors scales are wrong and mine is right lol. With shoes on is a kg difference. On my scale I started at 107 kg but the doctors it was 107.9kg.
Anyway the end result is the weight has gone for the first month.
I weigh in monthly and wear the same clothes each time (scrubs- I'm lucky my Dr works in the same hospital as where I work and I race down at lunchtime.) I take my shoes off but have socks on. (Maybe take a thin pr of socks?)

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