Side Effects (Why Didn't My Doctor Tell Me?)

  • Author CarpeDiemMay
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi everyone!

I'm new to this site, as well as new to Duromine. I saw a doctor (not my regular as they were booked out) about how to lose weight as I've been struggling for YEARS.
She measured my height and weight before having me sit back down and asked me if I'd ever heard of Duromine before. I answered that yes, I've heard of it but I don't really know what it is or what it does.
She printed out the script, handed it to me and said she wanted to see me again in a months time.
I wasn't able to fill the script until 5 days after that visit and I began taking it the morning after I got them.
After experiencing a rapid decrease in appetite (I have not really felt hungry this last few days since I've been taking Duromine, and only a small thing has filled me up for almost 36 hours with no hunger pains or growling tummy), I began looking into the side effects of this medication.
Honestly, I was shocked. You can't take cold and flu tablets that have pseudoephedrine as they conflict and cancel each other out.
While I can't find anything recommending that you not take Duromine if you have depression, I have found that you shouldn't take it if you are on any antidepressants and that Duromine can cause side effects of low moods and even depression. This does worry me as I have severe depression (I'm not on medication for it), however I am seeing a psychologist who is helping me.
My main point of this post is this: why did the doctor not ask me if I had any allergies? Why did she not tell me the side effects?
It wouldn't have changed my mind about taking the Duromine, but the neglect the she showed in this makes me concerned about how well (or not well) she is actually doing her job.
If anyone is reading this, please reply and tell me your experience with the doctor when being prescribed Duromine. Did they ensure you were informed about the side effects?


Hi @CarpeDiemMay

I've just come across your blog - so sorry I wasn't able to respond earlier!

To be honest your experience was totally shocking to read!!! I have 2 regular GP's. Basically a lady Dr who I see more regular and a gent I see when I cant get into her - but both are just lovely and my whole family has been seeing both for years.

My GP (gent) went through everything with me. I was only prescribed a months worth of tablets, and I had to go back to be re-assessed at that time. He checked my blood pressure, told me about the more common side affects - increased heart rate, dry mouth, mood swings, insomnia, constipation etc.. The best thing was he advised me to call at any time if I had any questions or was experiencing a symptom that I wasn't sure off. Because of this I felt totally safe and reassured.

It sounds as though this Dr didn't even read your history before prescribing!!!

How are you travelling with the Duromine?
Hi Rava,
When you say "travelling" what do you mean? Do mean like, how to I get from place to place?
If so, here's my answer: I drive, but just to be safe if I get pulled over for a drug test or whatever, I keep the box of Duromine in my handbag as proof that any drug reading that they get from me are Duromine and are legal and yes, they were prescribed to me
@CarpeDiemMay - love your answer :). That will teach me to phrase my question in the proper manner :)

I was actually trying to ask (in my own silly way) how are you going with taking Duromine?

Are you having any side effects? and if so, are you managing ok?
I have had several side effects. Insomnia, high pulse rate, dry mouth, slight constipation, mood swings, decreased appetite etc.

In regards to the insomnia, it doesn't really bother me as I've pretty much always been a night owl, and I work two different bartending jobs where my shifts are at night. However I also work out now, twice a week doing Taekwondo Monday and Wednesdays as well as a "cardio kickboxing" class right after Taekwondo on Wednesdays. I find that it helps wear me out a bit and I do sleep easier at night. I also make sure to wake up around 7:30 am to take my tablet and I won't take it any later than 9 am or 11am when I have a shift that night.
I first noticed the abnormally high pulse rate after my first Taekwondo class. I struggled to keep up with the other students because I was simply working myself too hard. I was trying to work as hard as I did the previous time I did Taekwondo (three years ago) and I simply hadn't relearnt my limits. It's been about a month now since I've been back at TKD and I'm on my second month of Duromine. I've realised my limits and if I feel odd or like I'm doing too much, I take a step back and slow down.
I don't suffer from dry mouth as much as I did in the first month, but that could simply be because I'm making sure I stay hydrated much better than I used to. I also had slight constipation, it wasn't too bad and I've been countering it by watching what I eat. My diet consists of plenty of vegetables that are high in fibre and protein while steering away from starch and limiting the amount of dairy, chocolate and sugar I consume. I've changed from white rice and breads to brown rice and whole grain and wheat breads.
As mentioned in my original post, I have been diagnosed with severe depression which caused mood swings so I'm unsure if it's the Duromine or my condition that is causing the mood swings or if they are working together. It's difficult, not only on myself but on my family and friends too. I'm doing my best to curb it and work through, but I know that at the end of the day they'll be here for me. I'm keeping in mind that I've got less than a month and a half before I've finished the three months of Duromine and I'm already seeing such great results.
I'm a little worried about the decreased appetite. I was expecting it in the first week that I wouldn't be very hungry. And then in the second week, some of my appetite was back and I'd begun eating at regular times again with smaller portions.
However, in those first two weeks, I did still feel hunger. But this month, it took me having a dizzy spell at work and almost passing out to realise that it had been almost 5 days since I had last eaten anything. It really frightened me.
I've been busy with 3 jobs, working out, looking for better work etc that I had simply forgotten to eat and hadn't had any hunger cravings. After work, I went straight to the local shops and bought a chocolate bar to munch on. I know it's not the healthiest or most recommended item, but I needed something in my stomach. I knew I didn't need anything to big or heavy as it would make me sick, but I did need the sugar as my levels were likely to be low. I'm definitely trying my best to remember to eat, even if I'm not feeling hungry and I'm doing better.

Something I want to add; at the end of the first month, I had to go back to the GP to be assessed and pick up a new script for the Duromine. I missed my appointment due to being at work so I went in the next week and had to see a different doctor as the original wasn't there that day.
When I began this journey, I was 173cm tall and weighed 98kg. When I returned to the GP, I weighed in at 93kg. I lost 5kg in 4 weeks!!! I'll even admit, that I wasn't eating healthy (hello junk food) and I certainly wasn't exercising except what I did at work. I didn't notice much of a difference in my weight personally, but I was happy to hear that I had lost weight.
Come to this second month; I've changed my diet to smaller portions of healthier food. I can't remember the last time I had a bag of chips to munch on. I do still treat myself occasionally, but I am finding it so much easier to say NO to junk food! This is something I've always struggled with.
Like I mentioned, I've also started back at Taekwondo so I've added regular exercise to my routine.
I've noticed a big difference this time. I always wear three rings. They've always fit their specific fingers perfectly, but now, they slip and slide around. They are loose! I bought a denim skirt last year, it was a size too small but it was the largest they had and I really wanted/needed a denim skirt. I'd only worn it a couple times and I had to hike it up to my waist which made it really short .
I found it again recently and tried it on. It fit perfectly if not a little loose! It now sits on my hips and I can still fit three fingers between the waistband and my flesh. I've also had family, friends and coworkers tell me that they've noticed I've lost weight and that I'm looking good .
It's a great feeling when I hear these things, but I don't want to just lose weight. I want to learn how to keep it off. I want to train my body and get fit. I won't say I don't care what the scales say, because I do! However, I also know that since I've been working out, I'm gaining muscle mass that I didn't have before. Even if at my next appointment, the scales yet again say 93, I won't be too disappointed as I've noticed the weight loss simply by how my clothes fit and I know that I've turned some of my fat into muscle. It's not noticeable, but I know it's there.
I'll be happy, really happy, when I can get down to a size 12 (Australian) and I'll be over the moon if I can get down to a size 10. In the meantime, I'm going to continue with what I'm doing. Eating well, exercising, and monitoring my health and the way I feel.
I want to increase my fitness level and tone up, and I want to start this coming week.

Sorry for the long reply. My aunt says I'm extremely verbose and have difficulty being concise
@CarpeDiemMay no worries about the long reply as I enjoyed reading what has been going on with you :)

You sound as though you have found your feet and have got a good grip on the Duromine reactions. It was really pleasing to read that even if you dont lose anymore weight, you know yourself that what you are doing is working and your losing the cm's!!! It must have felt great to get into that denim skirt!

In regards to food and eating regularly - I just recently had the same experience and ended up passing out! I honestly think preparation is the key, and maybe if you can pre-prepare your self some little snacks to take with you when you leave home for work or the gym, you won't find yourself repeating the experience. I have been doing this and its working for me :)

I also think that in regards to your food choices that being able to slowly cut down those unhealthy snacks is more than likely instilling a good habit. Doing it this way, you dont feel as though you are missing out on anything. Just remember to burn more than you eat, and the weight should continue to come off.

You are doing a fantastic job and cant wait to read your next update :)

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