slowing down in weight loss???

  • Author BabyT3112
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
hi all im not sure if this is ment to happen but is any one also having a decrease in weightloss?
my first week on duromine 30mg i lost 4.5kg and in the past two weeks ive only lost 500g?????
not sure what im doing wrong
im eating very little cut all carbs out eating mostly protein and gyming 2hours every day
it looks like ive lost cm but i realy want the weight to come down
also ive had my period twice this month cant understand it?

pls some one give me advice


Hi Baby T ,

I think we get so excited with that first weeks loss we think its always going to be that way :). Are you eating enough? At least 1200 calories a day - if you starve your body will go into shock and no weight loss. Also remember that you are exercising and building muscle , get a tape measure - I'm sure those numbers will impress you.

With regard to the period I think go see the doc.

Good Luck!
Hi Baby T
It happens a lot. We all get excited at the initial loss which is huge then it slows down.
I agree with CandyM. You have to make sure you are eating enough or your body will fight you all the way. I tend to have one or two days a week where I eat very little and stick to 1200 calories on the other days. My reasoning is that it tricks my body and it doesn't get used to anything. Don't know if this is sound but so far I have had success.
Also if you are going to the gym you are losing fat and gaining muscle. 1 kg of fat is way bigger than 1kg of muscle, see the pic.

so your measurements will be going down even if the scales are not moving much. Also muscle burns calories even when you are doing nothing.
Wow! that pic set the record straight lol. I also confuse my body Smick , Sundays I will even eat wayyy more calories and Monday my system gets a shock by the reduction in calories. You cant do the same everyday , that's the reality of it....and its a good thing , makes it less boring I guess!
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I can't help but eat more on the weekends. Alcohol and socialising are just a part of my life that I have had to learn to live with :rolleyes:. I still stick to my calorie limits though. I find that during the week, when I am busy, I forget to eat. I have naturally fallen into a pattern of doing this. If I eat too little on more than two days a week I don't seem to lose as much. Weird but true.
Lindelwa Mhlanga
in regards to the fact that if you starve your body, it goes into shock then it uses all the fat, what happens after that? eventually the weight drops right?
I think if you starve your body, eventually you have to eat. It is not something you can keep doing forever. Once you start to eat, your body which has been starved, holds on to the nutrients (especially fat) and stores it for later because it has experienced the starvation. That is my understanding of it anyway. The body tries to protect itself by becoming very efficient at storing the fat. That is why people who yoyo diet (I'm guilty) end up bigger even though they may not be eating as much as their thinner friends.
Hi there.

Staving your body is the fastest way to set yourself up for huge failure. My first week I lost almost 7kg and was absolutely shocked that my body would react like to so little food also wanted to stave myself to get the same results and it didn't work. Your body will keep all those lovely fat cells that have been building up if you starve yourself. Bodies are amazing machines. When you eat less and exercise more your body will automatically start losing the mussel and not fat and fat will burn slower to keep you going. EAT... it's a good thing. Try eating smaller meals more often. And just for some interest sake carbs are good for you in small quantities and healthy carbs at that.
My first month on duromine i had no affects which was good. Overall ive lost 8kg and a few cm. Which is good ive got two more months supply and hopefully ill be my target weight by dec
Hi BabyT, I have ready some postings and articles that if you have hit a plateau with your weight loss you must cut out dairy (cheese, yoghurt, milk, cream) for a while. Apparently it really helps. I have started doing this a couple of days ago, so hopeful that the results will be good when weighing in next week.

Good luck.

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