
  • Author Smick
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  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Week 16 weigh in
Another small loss this week. 0.9 kg making me 95.8 kg.
It has really slowed down to a trickle now.
My total loss so far is 21.2 kg so that makes it seem much better.
BUT I have increased my exercise.... to the point I can barely walk because of the blisters on my feet. My daughter is a dancer and she has blisters on her feet all of the time. I don't know how she does it! They are torture BUT I keep going on the treadmill because I am inspired by her. She dances 8 hours a day, 5 days a week on constantly blistered feet, so I can walk on the treadmill for an hour.
I've convinced myself that the increase in exercise is the reason for my smaller loss this week. My body is getting used to the increase and also laying down some muscle. I'm hoping to see some bigger numbers in the next few weeks.
11 weeks till Christmas and I have given myself the goal of being 86 kilos (or there abouts) by then. That will put my BMI into the overweight category and no longer obese. A nice Christmas prezzie to myself, I think.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Sharon xoxo

Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 95.8 (-21.2)
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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Still, what a good loss! Sharon that is an achievement, I mean a stable one. Because, let's face it (unfortunately) so many people give up after few months or weeks even. As for the blisters, well that is a price to pay for your beautiful body I guess ;) Beauty requires sacrifice.
Wow Sharon 95.8kg fantastic.... Keep up the great work you will be 85kg by Christmas :)... I'm not sure what I will be at Christmas ...just know I'm back on track now :p
I have never said before that I will be 'x' kg by 'x' date. It is a bit scary. But I have said it now and I have a challenge to work towards.
Great that you are back on track. First thing for you would just be to get things headed in the right direction and get back into the swing of things. Once you are confident in your routine, set yourself a goal it can be 1,5 or even the next 10 kilos. Or even a significant number for you.
I'm finding that all of the small goals I hit feel great.
Ok will do I need to think of a challenge that I can meet :) yes you have said a number and you will do it !!! I'm not brave enough to say a number yet give me a couple of weeks lol ;)
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