So far So good

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Today is day 5 for me, so far so good... I am eating the same healthy foods I have always eaten, decided not to eliminate any carbs ,as I REALLY want to LEARN to CONTROL my appetite and my stomach, more than I want to eliminate food groups that I will inevitably go back to when I stop Duromine, I have noticed since day 2 that I am eating less and even leaving food on my plate at dinner time, which is a first for me in a very long time, I LOVE THIS ENERGY I have, it lasts the whole day, and yet I am able to sleep very well even on 5 hours of sleep some nights...I have always loved water , but on cold days I tend to drink less, but not now, I am drinking all day hot or cold weather , so another plus for me ...

I have not done any exercise this week, as I have not been prioritising my days very well , been a little consumed by the "diet "plan and research on Duromine, hhaha but hoping from Monday to be doing at least 40 minutes of cardio every alternate day ,I did find myself weighing myself every morning, to see if Duromine is working without me exercising, and I know it is not good to weigh in every day , but it is the first time EVER that I got on a scale every day and lost 1 kg day 1 and every day since 100g , but decided that it was playing with my mind to much, and that I had to ditch the scale for once a week now, so I am happy with my 1.4kg in 5 days... I have a lot of weight to lose, so I really need to get my head around the fact that it will come off slowly and moderately , and that is ok ...

THIS is my last shot at trying to lose weight the right way mentally and emotionally and physically, as I have tried it all over the past 27yrs of my life , and always gained the weight again...I have been reading some of you blogs and you have all been so encouraging , it helps me focus each day ,this group and forum has been the best thing for me with the help of Duromine and all your experiences I am hopeful to have good results in the months to follow.. It is also a comfort to me to know I am not the only one who needs to lose 30kg at my age ,have a gr8 positive week everyone ..
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