So Happy I Found This Forum!

  • Author WannaBeAHotMumma
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well hello everyone!
I want to say to all of you out there that you are doing an amazing job!
I'm one of the many woman who has tried everything to lose weight.. I know a lot of people say all you have to do is consistantly excercise and eat healthy... Well if it was that easy there would be no such thing as duromine and all the other little helpers.

So Im a single mum, 3 years ago I was a very comfortable 80kg, then a lot of things happened then after having my son one year ago on the 19/02 I went onto the scales last week and was gobsmacked I'm currently 115kg!! I got a photo taken yesterdat of me with just a bra and undies on, So every time i get down I can look at that disgusting photo of myself and push myself to get to a healthy weight not just for me but my son aswell.

I'm very excited as I have a doctors app. this Saturday and hoping he will give me a prescription for duromine as I have tried absolutely everything and if I can get a kick start into weight loss I will do it :)


will keep you posted x


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