SO here we GO - 7 Days Update (Duromine 30mg)

  • Author Lady_G
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 6 min read
DAY 1 – Sunday 06 September 2015 (Took the pill at 9am due to oversleeping)

· B/F : 100g hake fried in butter – Oooh cheated with 3 small doughnuts (10am)
· Lunch : 2 pieces of grilled chicken, 1 green apple and 100g biltong (2:45pm)
· Dinner : Small portion of Rice, baked beans and 1 green apple

(Visited in-laws and couldn’t refuse but I was good and didn’t eat the fried chicken and fried potatoes)

Symptoms – Dry mouth, Slight jitters, Lack of energy and light headedness. Woke at 1:30am and only fell asleep at 4:30am (As mentioned before I do tend to suffer from a bit of insomnia).

Notes - I have to say when I started Banting January 2015 for the first month these were the exact symptoms I’ve experienced! So I cannot for sure say that it was the effect of the duromine. The symptoms were actually more severe and I think to some extent the duromine is actually helping ease some of these symptoms.

I had 12 litres of water today. I was S*** scared of taking duromine but I have to say I’m enjoying this day. My first day and I’m proud of myself for being brave enough to start making better healthier choices. No Cravings.

Day 2 – Monday 07 September 2015 (Took the pill at 6 am)
· B/F : Half piece of grilled chicken, 35g biltong and an apple(9am)
· Lunch : 16g of biltong and 2 pieces of grilled chicken (3pm)
· Snack : 2 pears and an apple (5:10pm)
· Dinner : 3 small dry pieces of oven grilled chicken and small portion butternut (8pm)

Symptoms – Only felt tired today.

Well I only got a few hours’ sleep so I can totally understand feeling tired as I only had less than 300cal yesterday.

Notes – I had 12 litres of water today. NO CRAVINGS!!! I’m so tempted to weigh myself because I’m happy to report that I’m definitely losing a few cm because my waistline seems a bit smaller. Stomach is starting to flatten as well. I forgot to eat and got some hunger pains this afternoon. Nothing hectic.

So Today I’ve decided to do some research and read more blogs to understand this process better! Thanks to the ladies for sharing, being so open and motivating others. I found the myfitnesspal that most women spoke of to be of best assistance in controlling your calorie intake. So I’m giving it a try tomorrow!

W.R.T the water overdose – I’ve posted below about how you should actually only drink an average of between 2 – 3litres a day! I honestly never knew that too much water could be bad for you! I’ve always loved drinking water cause it kept my skin glowing!

Day 3 – Tuesday 08 September 2015 (Took the pill at 7 am)
· B/F : 2 pieces grilled chicken and black coffee(9am)
· Snack : 1 green apple and 1 green pear (12pm)
· Lunch : ¼ butternut and 1 piece of chicken - thigh (3pm)
· Dinner : Small portion of rice and gravy of food my Dad cooked, small portion ¼ butternut and half a cup of raisins (7pm)

(Visited my parents after my HECTIC workout and couldn’t refuse cause I felt flushed, lightheaded and nauseas)

Symptoms – Slight headache, Lack of focus, Pressure in chest and bit of anxiety.

Notes - So I stopped with the 12 litres of water and only had about of 4litres today. I’ve got a bit of stress I’m dealing with so don’t really think that the symptoms was because of the medication cause that’s a norm for me on a stressed out day! Slept really well and uninterrupted! Decided to buy some raisins just to help get use to the hectic workouts again! I KNOW THIS IS A HUGE CHEAT but I need the energy for this week and next, thereafter Im a FULL ON BANTER!

Day 4 – Wednesday 09 September 2015 (Took the pill at 6:30 am)
· B/F : 1 Red apple, 35g biltong and cup of coffee with creamer – no sugar(9:30am)
· Lunch : 3 small Boiled eggs added a pinch of salt(1pm)
· Snack : 1 Green apple (4:31pm)
· Dinner : 1 Avocado, 2 small tomatoes, 3 Strips bacon and 3 cheesy scrambled eggs, 100g Raisins (8:20pm)

Symptoms - NO Appetite, No Energy, Constant headache and my eyes feel heavy.

Notes – I’m still stressed out and feel that the symptoms persists due to me stressing and also I’m drinking less water! I had almost 3litres of water today. Also I craved a bit of sugar throughout the day but I’m proud to report I stayed strong and later the night had some raisins. What a mistake as I only manage to fall asleep at 2am.

Day 5 – Thursday 10 September 2015 (Took the pill at 8:30am decided to sleep late)
· B/F : 2 Cheesy scrambled eggs and coffee with creamer no sugar(9am)
· Snack : 1 green apple (12pm)
· Lunch : 3 Small soft boiled eggs (3pm)
· Snack : 50 Raisins and 1 Banana
· Dinner : 2 pieces of Hake fried in butter (7pm)

Symptoms – NONE - Absolutely NO Side Effects Whatsoever WHoo Hoo

Notes – I’m happy with how today went! I’m not stressing today. I’m making use of the myfitnesspal better so I have 400cal at breakfast, lunch, dinner and complete my goal of 1200 cal for the day. Think my body finally adjusted well to low carbs and sugar. Also due to the fact that I’ve done banting before I could Identify the symptoms - withdrawal symtoms rather than thinking it could be the duromine. I actually think the duromine has helped ease the symptoms. Also 2 hour Aerobics went great today but I need a substitute for the raisins – Please advise, need something that gives a kick of energy to get through the 2 hour workout.

Day 6 – Friday 11 September 2015 (Took the pill at 7:30am)
· B/F : 2 Cheesy scrambled eggs and 1 banana (Cheat - glass of juice)(9:30am)
· Snack : 1 Banana and 1 green apple (12pm)
· Lunch : 2 small pieces of hake and stir-fry (2pm)
· Snack : 1 Apple and 50 Raisins
· Dinner : 2 Cheesy scrambled eggs and 3 strips of bacon (9pm)

Symptoms – NONE - Absolutely NO Side Effects Whatsoever WHoo Hoo

Notes – I’m happy with how today went! Tomorrow is the last day of week 1. I sneaked a peak lol weighed myself and don’t know how to feel :):

I need to get into routine and I’ve decided to Exercise daily! Do the 2 hours of aerobics every day. Also try to take a walk on weekends – Maybe Sunday mornings before church! Starting Week 2.

Day 7 – Saturday 12 September 2015 (Took the pill at 7:30am)
· B/F : Apple and 2 banana’s (I should only have on banana per day)
· Lunch : 5 Strips of bacon (Should only have 3 per meal)
· Dinner : 2 Chicken breast steaks with broccoli and cheese

Symptoms – NONE - Absolutely NO Side Effects Whatsoever WHoo Hoo

Notes – Today I was very busy and didn’t really make time to prepare food during the day! Very bad! Had very little water as well, only 1, 5 litres I think. I’m not happy about this week but it was a start so I’m not going to be too hard on myself. Can’t even promise that this coming week will be better but I’m going to exercise daily and try my outmost NOT TO CHEAT!

So Ladies that’s my first week done and dusted and even tough I’m feeling a bit bloated I’m happy to report I’m 5kg’s lighter….. J I do apologise for the lengthy Post/Update but I need to document my journey to keep myself and hopefully others motivated.

Start Weight: 109 kg (06 September 2015)
Current Weight: 104kg (12 December 2015)
Weight Loss: 5kg Whoop Whoop

Healthy Weight Range: 60 - 70 kg
Weight Loss Required: 39 kg
Desired Weight: 65 kg
Desired time frame: within 6 Months (Weight Loss Goal – End February2016)

I’ve read on this Forum that lots of people lose big the first week and thereafter lose between 1kg – 2kg a week(which is normal). I’m hoping my weight loss would be consistent though lol who wouldn’t wanna lose 5kg’s a week and be Bikini Ready this Holiday LOL


Hi you are doing really well with the weight loss, but as a health care professional I am going to advise you against not drinking more than 4 litres a day of water. You will lose potassium and electrolytes by drinking to much water and may be at risk of a heart attack.
Hi Kat1783, Thanks so much for the response and advice. When my husband warned me I immediately did some research and got a huge wake up call.
Well done on your first weeks results! I've got my first weigh in tomorrow
My first weigh in will be on Tuesday; I still don't feel different
Hi Ladies

I can see a huge difference. Ive lost quite a few cm's besides the 5kg. My clothes fits much better and I feel great. Exercise + banting and with the help of duromine keeping the cravings under control I feel like I will definitely get to my goal weight within 6 months.

Good Luck with the weigh in please keep me updated....
Wow this is really inspiring... I am starting on Monday... hope that I have similar results...
oh wow i absolutely love this has motivated me and given me meal ideas because i did not know what to eat!!! this is my second day on duromine only side effects i am experiencing are the dry mouth. I had to force myself to have a little bit of lunch today. thank you for this blog it has motivated me and inspired me

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