So, no more looking back. Time to sort my sh*t out!!

  • Author Jacqui
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So, I went to my GP last week. I have a very, very painful condition in my foot (which makes any form of walking agony and will require surgery to fix it) and due to a myriad of stressful situations over the last 5 years (my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!), I weighed in at 94.5kg. I am MORTIFIED. I'm 173cm tall. My BMI is 31. I think I must've looked like I was going to pass out, as my GP passed me a box of tissues and asked me if I wanted to lay down.

I've tried it all. Commitment is my problem. I can do all the fancy weight loss plans and succeed - for two weeks. Very rarely longer. I am a self-confessed "diet" junkie. I try them all, fork out $$$ and then don't stick to them. I have no support at home (just me and my bambinos) now and I totally think that has been my downfall. Though... it does fill me with a sick pleasure to see how much weight my ex-husband has put on too - and he has a partner!!

I'm single after being hurt immeasurably by my husband and as a result have rock bottom self esteem, and feel so miserable about my size and health that there is no way I feel that anyone could want to be with me. I know that's not really true, as I would have no issues being with a man who is cuddly, but I guess it is just how you feel inside. I KNOW losing my weight will not magically make me happy, but I know that losing weight will give me more confidence and the tools to seek what I want/need in life. That's where I'm at.

My GP was so thorough. I hadn't seen him before and he wouldn't prescribe until he'd done about a squillion blood tests, most importantly the liver function test. I have high cholesterol and low Vitamin D.

He prescribed me 30 days worth of 30mg and wants me to go back in 3 weeks to weigh and get more. I feel great to be accountable to him, and to anyone who might read this too. That's why I've started this Blog. I want people to read it and I want to feel proud of good achievements and also when they aren't so good, to know I have to report in on here so it isn't just hidden as it has been in the past. I don't want my butt kicked, I want someone to say "next week will be better!".

Well, I have no clue if anyone will read this, but even if it is just for me, I think it will help me enormously. If you are reading - HELLO, and I hope to entertain you with my sparkling personality again tomorrow. Let's see if I can commit to this blog!

Cheers and hello to you!

Jacqui x


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