Soooooooo Close!!!

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
First of all... I am shocked that I managed to lose as much as I did this week. Pleasantly :laughing:
I started this week at 101.5 kg and am happy to announce that I lost.... 1.4 kg.
BUT that means that I now weigh
100.1 kg.
What the......!
Anyone who has been reading my blog will know that I am eagerly awaiting the day when I reach double digits. Any number lower than 99.9 kg. Under 100. Less than a ton.
Now... I did not expect to lose so much this week. I would have been happy with any number beginning with 100. Making my target of being under the magic number next week an achievable goal.

BUT 100.1 kg is just cruel. I am so, so close.
I am going to
SMASH it next week. (I hope I have not cursed myself by saying this :mad:)
I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Sharon xoxo

Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 100.1 (-16.9)
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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Oh bugger ....I'm feeling your annoyance I'm with you Sharon ...hey 1.4 kg fantastic loss this week:) & your right your gonna smash it next week ...I'm going away Saturday so I won't be able to read any blogs until I get back in a few weeks ......will be excited to read all your success & everyones has while I'm away:)
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whooo. nearly there girl ... not long now !!!..well done on such big weight loss for the week, that is fantastic...well done Sharon, cannot wait to read your results next week.. :laughing:
Shellyisme have a gr8 time .. chat to you when you get back, cannot wait to read all about your amazing adventure ..:)
Fingers crossed Smick :laughing:
Once you say it out loud, the universe will hear you out and send this loss to you next week. I am serious. It helps to say things to let them happen. So say it once again: "I will lose 1.5 (how much you want) kg next week for sure!"

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Read time
1 min read
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