• Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hellooooooo Everyone !!

Well not sure about the rest of you , but I am struggling to eat my fruit , it is so cold here in Brisbane, has been for the last few weeks ,every morning I look at the fruit bowl, and my tummy wants a fruit smoothie, but my head says no way toooo cold my dear , so I look the other way and have a hot drink instead, usually Red bush tea, or Decaf coffee..Thought I would wait till it gets warmer to have fruit smoothies again.. Then it dawned on me, Leigh you HAVE to stop making excuses , using the weather, the kids, the house work etc as obstacles to stop exercise and not eating ALL food groups , so I decided to turn my cold fruit into a warm fruit and poached some apples and added them to my oats, and did some pilates in my gown and slippers, yes I did , not a pretty site, but I got in 20 minutes and it warmed me up too, hahaha, STAY POSITIVE EVERYONE, For every problem there is a solution, we just need to be more in tune with ourselves and way more honest too, WE are OUR BIGGEST OBSTACLES ,we need to fight it ,and get rid of it . I have always got advice for others in need, time to HELP MYSELF now, and not feel guilty about giving me some time, and advice , and making effort for me is actually ok to do ....HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD DAY, AND IF NOT ,REMEMBER TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY !!!!!
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