Start Time Hot Mom Status

  • Author Kimmmitee21
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So I start my Duromine 15mg on Saturday - I am the heaviest I have ever been, and so depressed, but time to change that - Hey I want to be "hot mom" at the pool in Thailand this Christmas - yeah have always wanted to be that HOT MOM!! So I only have 5 weeks so I need all the help I can get. Please can I ask you all for some tips and tricks on how to get there and what I can do? I am 78kg - 10kg heavier than I was when I fell pregnant with my son 5 years ago - I know who takes 5 years to loose the baby weight!! OK OK i have also given up smoking in the past 2 years which has not helped my goal in the least. And well the more I worry about the weight the more I eat!!

So the challenge starts in two days - so please can those of you who have lost weight and have tried and tested these things in the quest for HOT MOM status - please let me know your ideas or best diets to follow?


Why wait those two days! Start today :) the worst thing I have noticed even in myself is procrastination, the longer you set something back the harder it is to get started, once you get started, keep yourself motivated and focus on your goals, have short term and long term ones! And all of this will soon become a habit, that you will do routinely. All the best, lower your carb in take but do not exclude it from diet, up your lean protein, fruit and veg. Avoid oil and sugar. (Bake/boil/steam your food) keep track of your calorie intake to lose weight you must eat a minimum of 1200 calories per day, and drink as much water as possible, 2litres. Maybe go get some green tea, this helps aid digestion and has many positive affects (2-3 cups a day for good results is recommended , best of luck xx
Thank you so much - and you are correct i should get going, but i am on conference so back home tomorrow afternoon and then the games begin.

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    Start Time Hot Mom Status
    So I start my Duromine 15mg on Saturday - I am the heaviest I have ever been, and so depressed...

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