Start Time Hot Mom Status

  • Author Kimmmitee21
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So I start my Duromine 15mg on Saturday - I am the heaviest I have ever been, and so depressed, but time to change that - Hey I want to be "hot mom" at the pool in Thailand this Christmas - yeah have always wanted to be that HOT MOM!! So I only have 5 weeks so I need all the help I can get. Please can I ask you all for some tips and tricks on how to get there and what I can do? I am 78kg - 10kg heavier than I was when I fell pregnant with my son 5 years ago - I know who takes 5 years to loose the baby weight!! OK OK i have also given up smoking in the past 2 years which has not helped my goal in the least. And well the more I worry about the weight the more I eat!!

So the challenge starts in two days - so please can those of you who have lost weight and have tried and tested these things in the quest for HOT MOM status - please let me know your ideas or best diets to follow?


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    Start Time Hot Mom Status
    So I start my Duromine 15mg on Saturday - I am the heaviest I have ever been, and so depressed...

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