Started Today On Duromine 15mg

  • Author rootesy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi everyone, this is a really great site for people taking or looking to take Duromine. I will be tracking my weight loss within this blog so feel free to come back and see how I am progressing along.

So here are my starting stats:

Date: 30th April 2011
Body Weight: 132.9kg
Taking Duromine 15mg

As you can see I am a big boy and my goal weight is 90kg so I have a journey in front of me :rolleyes: I will be trying to go for a 30min walk about 5 times a week and I will try to eat proteins, NO starchy carbs. The walk will be a bit difficult because of a broken ankle 12 months back and it still plays up, mainly because it is supporting so much weight.

Cheers :laughing:


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