Starting Duromine today!! 30mg

  • Author jane_o
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So today I went to the doctors and ended up getting Duromine 30mg. My doctor gave me 3 months supply which I was totally shocked actually because I thought it was a really hard drug to get. The doctor explained all the possible side effect, I will try it for 4 weeks first and see how I go.

•• My Details ••
28 years old
177cm tall

I took my first pill at 1pm (yes I know that is a bit late in the day) but I was to impatient to wait for the next day, haven't really felt much at all... No dry mouth, still hungry for food, chocolate and cakes I do feel a bit blank minded, spaced out. It's a hard feeling to explain. Don't really feel as though I'm full of energy like some people seem to be experiencing. Hopefully tomorrow is better.


Hi Jane,

We have about the same stats, I am turning 27, 176cm and my starting weight was 90.6kg. I lost 2kg in the past 12 days, and I am happy with that. I also don't really feel the side effects that everybody mentions, but it did help me a lot with my cravings after a few days.

Good luck with your journey :)
Thank you I just weighed myself dismorning and 86.7... Stuff know lol
Tomorrow is always better, Jane. It's all about belief and willpower mostly. Everythig is in our head, so if you believe that you CAN lose weight, then you will. I wish you that! :)
Thank you Kate ☺️ That is so true.


Feeling pretty normal.. I do get headaches if I don't drink enough water, have a water bottle on me 24/7. Don't really feel all this energy that people say they get. I have definately been eating much better, no cakes, chocolates or lollies. No takeaway. Do find I am sweating a lot more doing normal everyday things ? Does anyone else experience this.

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Hi jane_o,

I am having a similar experiance to you. I'm 5 days in now. Dry mouth & constantly thirsty, sweating like a trooper for no reason, but also none of this extra energy others speak of . The cravings are less & not hungry in general, but wishing for more energy & motivation to excersise.

Its frustrating that the meds seem to have such a varying effect for different peoplr and I'm curious to know why, a question for the doc next month I guess.
••• DAY 23 ON DUROMINE •••


Have lost 4.8 kilo's... Though I am really feeling like its not stopping my cravings anymore. I feel as though my body is getting use to it. There has been about 3 days in the 23 days I've been on Duromine that I haven't taken it, I did not each much at all on those days and didn't feel like I needed to take it. Definately makes me sweat a lot more in the face and neck area. I feel like I need to up my dose or something?? Fingers crossed.. Hoping to lose another 14kg ASAP!!!!

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