Starting Duromine

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi my name is Tash and I am 21 100kg.

I have struggled all my life to loss weight but no matter how healthy I eat or how fit I get I never shed the kilos (I mainly gain muscle making me look bigger). I have been asking my family doctor to put me on some type of weight loss drug for years and he never would.

When I came to uni I put on a further 15kg and was starting to get very depressed with how I looked. I went to a doctor in Wagga and she suggested Duromine. After some research I agreed to take it.

This is my journey.

So I started Metermine 30mg (chemist suggested) on Monday and I am not sure if I am feeling different. I definitely don't get hungry but I am still eating and not feeling full. I think I am feeling more awake but not overly. I usually feel extremely tired all day for no reason but now I feel normal which is nice. I go to the gym 5 or 6 times a week and do a mixture of cardio, weights and own body exercises.

It hasn't been a week yet but I checked and I'm only 99.8kg. I was hoping for a bigger drop seeing as most people get the most results in the first two weeks. Ive cut my already healthy meals in half now to see if I can get better results. I really want to lose weight for a Holiday I am going on in December so I hope the kilos start shedding off.

Starting Weight: 100kg
Week 1 Result: ???
Goal Weight: 70kg

Fingers crossed.


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