Starting today!

  • Author Shardae
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey all! I just started duromine today. I'm 17 years old, I have a 2 year old daughter (I know I'm young) and recently have just been gaining weight. It's been really hard to do anything, I feel awful about myself, and after my recent "break up" I decided that it's really time to get started on my weight loss journey.

I started duromine 30mg today.
starting weight: 90kg
Height: 163cm
Goal weight: 60kg

The first day hasn't been too bad, I was up early and didn't get much sleep last night so I think the tablet is hitting me a bit more. I'm feeling a little dizzy and super thirsty but I've done a workout and now just resting a little bit before I go for a walk.

Breakfast: two boiled eggs on a piece of toast with cooked spinach and tomato.

Lunch and dinner I'm planning to have a small bowl of vegetables.
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Hello, Shardae!

Wow I think you are the youngest here! I hope you visited your GP first and he decided to prescribe you the pills (it would be better to begin with 15 mg dose so that your body could get used to pills, ah well). I sugest your sleepless night was caused by this higher dose, however, it should pass soon. I wish you good luck and please monitor your state very carefully. You did great by choosing veggies for your diet, just don't forget to eat fat-free meat too and drink a lot of water ;)
Hello Shardae.. I became a mumma at 18.. just a few years older than you, but I am fully aware of how hard being a young mother is..!! You just be strong for yourself and your little girl... treat yourself well sweetheart and make good choices for the both of you!! Trust in people who you have faith in and tell your daughter she is loved - every day!! Protect her from unsecure friendships.. in other words - be careful about who is around her and how they treat you both... Be kind to yourself - love your daughter more than anything and trust that life will look after you.. know that whatever you need always seems to find its way - just in the nick of time..
Do you live at home with family??

duromine is expensive.. and it can effect sleep, mood and can make you constipated... if you can afford it.. ok... but, remember to aside for you and your litrle girl.. make sure she has food to eat everyday... if you dont get much night - try to nap when she does each day..

I wish you success and great happiness young one.. xx
Thank you both! I did go to a doctor and he prescribed them for me, I will be going back there in the next week or so, so he can monitor how I'm going.

Looking after my daughter I've found is making eating a lot easier! If I didn't have to make her breakfast lunch and dinner I would probably be forgetting to eat so it's really helpful! The duromine today has really helped me to keep doing activities for her, like dancing, drawing etc because I'm not as tired as I was beforehand which would be not only the duromine but the extreme healthy eating.
Makes me smile..!! Really do wish you great success!!

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