Starting Tomorrow

  • Author Sammy14
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
hi everyone
I am starting Duromine 30 tomorrow morning , I have been on Duromine before and lost weight . But since I had my baby my weight just stayed the same losing 5 kg gaining it back and so on. I am already going to the gym I know how to eat healthy done lite n easy in the past know how it all works I gave fitness Pal installed and a Fitbit to count my calories lost. I know it all but I still struggle I have PCOS and had always problems with losing weight so this time I am giving it my all and hope to see results . I need to lose weight so I
can have another baby .
I am 165cm tall
Current weight:86.6 kg
Mini Goal 80 kg
Second mini 75kg
Goal is to be just little under 70kg.
So will see how 3 months of hard work will pay off I am doing classes already like body pump zumba basically I go 5 days a week this diet pill will help my cravings that I get only during the night I am fine all day but then it hits me at night . I will start eating more greens and lean protein avoid carbs and also I will use sustagen it has all vitamins I don't want to hit my iron level to bottom that basically always happens when I lose weight . Anyways I keep you posted wish me luck , I am excited and hope not to get to many side effects usually they last few days . God bless!


Hello Sammy! A great weight loss journey to you and welcome to this forum! I see you already know what you need and how you should act, so all I can tell you is tons and tons of luck and HUGE results!

Very clever approach, I should say, with these vitamins! Bravo! Don’t focus on your PCOS. Focus on the changes you are going through. Focus on how healthier you are going to make yourself. Forget PCOS. Even if you don’t see results on scales every day, it doesn’t mean you failed. As long as you continue eating healthy and being physically active, it’s always a win! Cheers!
Hi April
Thank you very much looking forward to this journey and I can picture myself at the finishing line . I got everything covered so I should see results even if their small
Day 2 feeling great awake not hungry much but still eat healthy . Today workout is walking with my little
Boy my joy . Life is important so it is important to live healthy stay in shape I never been so determined and knowing that going to the gym and doing classes will make a huge difference. Well today I feel lighter not as bloated, but that's all water weight . I will update again and weigh myself in 5 days time . I am excited . God bless!
Just want to say that I don't have any bad side effects only that i am having hard time staying asleep and too much energy. I want to do this full time with all my compassion towards it no cheats no laziness , clean diet exercise to build muscles and stay strong and fit I want to and I will get on top of that mountain. Will keep you posted . God bless! Think this is actually a mind game , duromine is a tool to help you on your journey not and easy way out , if you go that pathway I will ensure you your weight will come back . Learn how to eat right remember to snack like having a yogurt or apple keep your metabolism up and going. Even if you don't feel as hungry at least have Sustagen for Snack keep your vitamins up or even protein shake to keep your muscles growing not breaking apart. Drink water , add a Lemon to it . Have a fun day enjoy the sun go for a walk with family friends so it doesn't seem like your just dieting and exercising. Make sure you find your own way your own tools , teach your mind that change is good and food is always around it won't disappear , you can have food when ever you wish , so no need to binge on anything. Have pleasure while eating mindful, also add some good oils almonds olive oil Walnuts meaning a handful is enough . That's my suggestion anyone can enjoy free tips . Good luck .

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