
  • Author Klaire
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  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I am Klaire 43, start weight 86.9 goal 74

I have been in a relationship 5 yrs, my partner does lovely things for me but always seems to have a dig about my weight, am I being to sensitive, I don't know.
He says things like ohh look at your stumpy legs, and your stumpy body, you will never be a model, or that wouldn't suit you your to short and round.
Look at your great big bum, what's all that? There as he grabs my belly.
He is a very handsome man, and in love him, but I do find things he says insensitive.
If I do say something he says "well what do you want me to say" your legs are stumpy etc...


Oh geeez, yea hmmm I see, maybe he thinks he is just being funny, guys really don't think about what they say, honestly if you love him, and you really are thinking you are being a little to sensitive, just push it aside and focus on your journey, if however you find it really is hurting you, well say something,let him know it hurts you, be strong when you say it tho.
My partner mucks around and calls me things like butterball etc but I've known him for yrs before as a friend so I know that's just his personality, he's a joker but he also doesn't say it in a mean way, in a strange way it's affectionately.

I agree with Kyles you should say something to him. Even if it's you being a little over sensitive (duromine sometimes increases it) it still not going to help you. Guys brains definitely work differently to ours. The negative reinforcement isn't going to help you. You need positive reinforcement and praise even if it's for the littlest thing like not having a soft drink one day or going for a walk, planning meals etc anything that's taking you that step closer to your goal. And if he won't give it to you, WE WILL!!
I do get carried away, maybe he thinks it's cute, lol, but stumpy how's that cute!! Men
Oh well he is a good man, I will say something in future, but maybe more me just frustrated...and in all seriousness...he is kinda
SOOOOO , firstly, there are two sides to this, if you know him well enough , by now you will be able to read into his behaviour as being naughty, teasing , and funny ,in order to get a response from you...Or an embarrassing , provoking behaviour, usually in front of others, especially other men or pretty women, means he is embarrassed FOR you , not of you ,but for you ..Some men take it upon themselves to protect the ones they love by being this way front of others.. their insecurity NOT yours.. But what I have read so far is that it seems to be directly at you ,alone ? So it may very well be he is just a tease and wants a reaction from you , does he have sisters? or does he make jokes like this with his mum? as this is also a cause of misunderstanding ,when a man has had an open jokey relationship with the other women in his life that he thinks this is "normal" for all woman .. My hubby calls me "beach ball " , my dad used to call me beach ball when I as a teenager, and I was a thin teenager, in our early yrs of marriage, I would take offence to the nickname as I was overweight , like now, and so it was my insecurity not his.. but now 24 yrs of marriage, and a little more mature and aware of my weight problem, and honest about it , I have no issue with him calling me that, as I know he interprets it with endearment as my dad said it in that way too.. I go one further and call him "chubby charlie " he is a little overweight, so it does tug a cord, but he chuckles and says "yup thats me" so it really is something only the two of you can figure out in the end, how to approach it, or respond is up to you .. The fact that you acknowledge he is "right ", well "stumpy," maybe stocky is your build, and he is then rightfully so, that you will not be a model, as not tall, and long limbed ,so you will always be stocky, stumpy, but you will show him now that you will be a SEXY stumpy .. huge difference!! and if he wanted a model, he would have looked for one, he chose you because he loves what he sees, his "stumpy" sounds like a word of endearment
to me,do not allow his good looks to unravel ,you girl ! we all have flaws, not only on the outside, but on the inside too...Secretly he loves his "gymnastics" girlfriend , more than any model any day !! you will see ... keep going for that goal girl !!...

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