Sugar Iam in love

  • Author tarme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I had to go to a playgroup 10 year birthday which I started. I was the one everyone focused on and took photos for the newspaper. I was given a peice of cake. My first taste of sugar in 3 weeks. My first bite....I went to heaven and back. I am in love with sugar.......but I am still strong and not going to give in to temptation.
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hahaha.. Was it worth it ? you struggle with cravings for PROCESSED sugars ?... Since being on D I have no desire for any sweet tasting things, not even the smell, haha if we walk i n the shopping centre and the whiff of the doughnuts or cinnamon buns are in the air ,I actually get nauseous now!! ,my family just shake their heads at me, while they sniff it all in ,lol ...IN the beginning of this journey, 7 weeks ago, I struggled the first two weeks wanting my chock fix , at least every third day, so I had a spoon of milo as my fix instead, as 1 spoon is only 116 calories ..that was my treat , SINCE THEN, nothing, when I exercise or find it is that time of the month{pms} I make myself a smoothie .If you like bananas, THIS IS A GR8 RECIPE TO CURB YOUR sweet tooth, or keep your blood sugar levels at bay ...Banana cinnamon Milkshake smoothie..
1 frozen banana
1 cup almond milk
2 dates or 1ts of 100%,maple syrup
pinch of cinnamon
and whizz together and drink..

You could also add cocoa powder to it if you love chocolate like me, lol.. .... Hope that one slice of cake ,settled you now for a looooong while yet ...
No I didn't feel like cake but I felt rude if I didn't eat it. I was almost forced lol. Peer pressure.
It really did taste good but it didn't tempt me to buy more. I was really in love but I've had no temptations while on duromine. My quick fix if needed is a skim milk hot chocolate. It works well. Cheers

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