Sunday morning dilemma.

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So I have been doing pretty good. Weight loss has slowed down a bit, but it needed to.
Am now 111.8 kg.
More than 5 kilos gone in a week and a half.
Have been having very little sleep but this has not really bothered me. I go to bed and lie there for ages, awake, but not tossing and turning. I can still be alert at 4am.
Anyway... last night I had to deal with my daughter's partner, extremely drunk and a huge lump on his head where he had collected the pavement, at 3am - 4:30. Normally I would not cope with this event very well (not that it happens all the time, lol) but , because of the Duromine, I was awake, alert and coping very well. Was handling the situation quite measured and not being the judgy, angry, mum. He got the lecture this morning when he was a bit more sober and could take in and understand why it was not such a great idea.
My dilemma... I woke this morning at 9:30 and had to decide if it was a good idea to take the D and risk being up all night tonight. I took it... my reasoning was that I had only had about 3-4 hours sleep and the energy boost would be needed to survive today. Nothing worse than spending Sunday feeling like poop because you have been kept up by a drunk idiot.

I hope everyone is having a great week.

Sharon xox
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