Surprise! Week 22 weigh in.

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I was shocked and amazed when I hopped on the scales this morning. :eek:
I was expecting to stay the same or even have a small gain. I have been off the D for two weeks now and although I have the exercise side of things totally under control, my eating has been erratic and not as good as I would have liked. Even my last couple of weeks while still on the D I was only having small losses. My last 3 weeks have looked like this.... -0.3... -0.1... stop taking D....-0.4...
So this weeks weigh in I was approaching with trepidation.
Imagine my surprise when I hopped on the scales and I have had a 1.3 kg loss. I had to re-check and, yep, 91.7 kg. Down another BMI point to 31,only a few more kilos and I will no longer be classified as obese. This would have to be the greatest Christmas present I could give to myself and my family.
i have renewed faith that I can do this even without the D. I was beginning to doubt myself.
This week I am going to put in a big effort and prove to myself that last week was not just some anomaly.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week.
Sharon xoxo

Week 22 lost 1.3 kg
Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 91.7 (-25.3)
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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What can I say Sharon? Congratulations!!!! You're strong, you're smart, you're beautiful and happy. You deserve it We can reach ANY goal we have, just need to have a great desire and belief in ourselves, even if nothing happens. Today is the day - tomorrow will be a better day. I wish every single person here on the forum, who wants to lose weight, could reach your results. You are a good motivator. Thank you for still being here with us! :)
Awesome loss Sharon yes you can do it :) congratulations .....we are both so close to being in the 80's now that will be a fabulous Christmas presnt for us ;) my sons wedding is in 2 weeks I so want to be in the 80's by then pressure lol :eek: ;)
Big Girl SA
@ Sharon:Congrats! This is just another inspiration and confirmation that we can all keep losing weight, without the D. Good luck for this week, and never doubt yourself again. You can do this!
@ Shellyisme and Sharon: Hoping to join you 2 in the 80's soon :)

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